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Portfolio Images
An embrace of the
An embrace of the "beguiling medium"

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Ansel Adams IV (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Sony DSC-RX1
Date: Dec 7, 2014
Date Uploaded: Dec 7, 2014


Place: 40 out of 48
Avg (all users): 5.2118
Avg (commenters): 5.5714
Avg (participants): 4.9143
Avg (non-participants): 5.4200
Views since voting: 528
Views during voting: 186
Votes: 85
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0

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12/15/2014 09:44:33 AM
the 9 was mine
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/14/2014 10:33:50 PM
I'll take the color image to be an entry that can be considered "inspired by". Very nice. Hope you don't get creamed for a risky approach to the topic.
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12/14/2014 06:28:07 PM
i love the silhouettes in the backgorund
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12/14/2014 06:20:50 PM
I came extremely close to entering a color version entry, but changed my mind during the last 30 minutes. Now I sort of regret the decision. Hope this isn't getting too many low votes because I think it is a good choice.
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12/14/2014 01:06:23 PM
I think he would have eventually started shooting landscapes in color too.
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12/14/2014 10:16:26 AM
nice tittle 6
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12/14/2014 09:44:37 AM
Were Adams not so ubiquitous with the B&W Zone System I might not be so put off by a color image. I get wanting to be different, but there's a spirit of the challenge thing that goes beyond a nice vista. Nice photo but definitely a DNMC in my book.
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12/08/2014 08:14:22 PM
Although Adams is known to experiment with color film, his primary works was done in black and white. Even when he did work with color, his landscapes are full of details, high tonal ranges and vibrant colors. A total opposite of your submission.

DNMC :-(
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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