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by the windswept shore
by the windswept shore

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2014-06 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Pentax K-3
Lens: Pentax SMC P-DA 12-24mm F4.0 ED/AL (IF)
Location: San Francisco Presidio
Date: Jun 7, 2014
Aperture: f/10
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/200
Date Uploaded: Jun 28, 2014

It was blowing a ton out there that day ...

IMGP 1145

Place: 39 out of 179
Avg (all users): 6.1222
Avg (commenters): 7.1429
Avg (participants): 6.0857
Avg (non-participants): 6.2500
Views since voting: 467
Views during voting: 152
Votes: 90
Comments: 8
Favorites: 1 (view)

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07/08/2014 10:09:32 AM
Beautifully chaotic.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/07/2014 06:28:20 PM
I love the fog, the wind, the liveliness of the flowers. It's jam-packed full with reality. (PS: That's the best way I could think of describing what I'm thinking.. I may come back and add more text as I'm struggling to find the right words for what I want to say right now).

Really nice image.
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07/07/2014 01:41:52 AM
I really appreciate the depth of field and the perspective in this image.
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07/04/2014 07:13:26 AM
Very nice, it's a beautiful scene. I think some of the sky needs to be cropped out. Other than that it gave me the sense of a blustery day even before I read the title.
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07/03/2014 12:11:30 PM
That is a very cool point of view. Nice job.
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07/02/2014 10:10:30 AM
wow, quite the windy day, like how the bridge seems to disappear in the distance
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07/01/2014 10:29:08 AM
I love the depth that you have captured in the frame. The yellow flowers in the foreground it really gives your eye something to look at in every area of the frame.

I really love the fog coming in across the bridge as well. Nice Shot!
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07/01/2014 12:33:24 AM
The colors are amazing in this photo. The background of the bridge and tree really add to it too. Wonderfully composed. Wonderfully processed. 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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