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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> "I am a photographer not a terrorist"
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08/11/2009 10:19:30 PM · #1

I thought this article was interesting. Another fine example of the overly zealous state versus individuals. As you will read through the article, in the UK at least, they are trying to pass a law that will make it an offense if you take photo of a police. so now the police can do whatever they want (be brutal and whatever) and people can't take their pictures? What about freedom of the press? The right to use that photograph as evidence? anyway, read up if you are interested and share your thoughts.


08/12/2009 03:46:13 AM · #2

One correction on what you wrote. The government aren't "trying to pass a law", they have already passed the law.

To answer your question about freedom of the press, an article from The Register, although it's all very unclear just what rights everyone has, police and public.
08/12/2009 03:51:58 AM · #3
I'm a little of both, so I have to live with the harassment.
08/12/2009 05:01:34 PM · #4
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

I'm a little of both, so I have to live with the harassment.

You are a Photographer and a terrorist???
08/12/2009 05:06:07 PM · #5
Originally posted by Gotaka:

Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

I'm a little of both, so I have to live with the harassment.

You are a Photographer and a terrorist???

He's a terrorist photog...he terrorizes us all, all the village burning etc.
08/12/2009 05:44:26 PM · #6
Hey !!!!!!!! No using the "T" word... Now you've just got DPChallenge on the FBI's watchlist.. UH, maybe I shouldn't have used that "F" word.. hmmmm..
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