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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Anyone Photoblogging?
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06/01/2009 10:16:32 PM · #1
If so, please post your link. This is something I want to try, and I'm curious to see what others are doing. Also, I recently discovered photoblogging software called Pixelpost which is open source and free and seems to work right out of the box.
06/01/2009 10:20:21 PM · #2
Not posting nearly often enough however here I am:

Which reminds me...I need to post or something. :)

06/01/2009 10:22:02 PM · #3
That looks a lot nicer than what I have going. And probably easier to upload to as well. I'm going to have to have a serious look at Pixelpost.
06/01/2009 10:22:03 PM · #4
I'm running two at the moment... one is a daily photo with a little narrative:
For Interest's Sake

The other is more of a tutorial style affair:
Welkin Light Blog
06/01/2009 10:28:52 PM · #5
I'm not sure if one would call it a photoblog or a blog on photography but I like to frequent //mostlylisa.com/ Simple but I like her writing style not to mention its information with good pics.
06/01/2009 10:30:02 PM · #6

It runs on the Pixelpost script- but an old one, because I haven't paid all that close attention to my site (or my photography) lately.. planning to at least try getting back into it this summer.
06/01/2009 11:17:39 PM · #7
I have two...

My photo-a-day blog is at Aminus3. They are A MA ZING. The best part is that they link the community of Aminus 3 photoblogs from all over the world so that you can look through others work and comment on it. Nothing like getting comments in French one minute, from someone in Texas followed by someone in Iran. I highly recommend this site. Everyone is so friendly.

My other blog is through shotblogs I'm not totally enthused by it, but it'll do for now.
06/02/2009 07:40:37 AM · #8
yeah me too....

just started a blog......
06/02/2009 07:43:02 AM · #9
I have a photo-a-day blog, I started in January 2006 and haven't missed a day.

06/02/2009 07:57:27 AM · #10
I've been wondering why do people blog? Lots of people don't even know what to post on their blog or don't have time, so why blog? I am just curious.
06/02/2009 08:03:43 AM · #11
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06/02/2009 08:17:31 AM · #12

And yes, I too wonder what I am doing. I promised myself that when I fully retire in a year or so, then I will make it my mission. The idea is to make it a "Teaching" Blog.... I can share my theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the REAL beginner. Higher than that I may not be able to contribute..

Message edited by author 2009-06-02 08:22:01.
06/02/2009 08:54:32 PM · #13
Originally posted by Citadel:

That looks a lot nicer than what I have going. And probably easier to upload to as well. I'm going to have to have a serious look at Pixelpost.

It's good software. Like I said, it's open source and it's free. It installs easily. I did my own layout and style sheet. I also hacked a few of the back-end PHP scripts. I've got a working prototype that fairly I'm happy with. Still some work to do, but I hope to launch it this month.

Keep the posts coming. I'm enjoying seeing what everyone is doing...
06/03/2009 01:58:31 AM · #14
Originally posted by maggieddd:

I've been wondering why do people blog? Lots of people don't even know what to post on their blog or don't have time, so why blog? I am just curious.

Some people do it for the joy of writing... its like a journal only other people have access to reading it. Some people blog because they like teaching what they know and blogging gives gives them easy access to a God-zillion eager minds. And some people blog for the money... that's right money, there is money to be made in them there hills. The only problem is less than 5% actually make enough to cover the cost of hosting.

With that said... check out my blog!
I blog because of all the above. Eventually I will start another blog specifically on how to make money of a photoblog, anyone interest?

Message edited by author 2009-06-03 02:04:29.
06/03/2009 08:47:45 AM · #15
I post snapshots in my blog. Not sure if it would be considered a true Photoblog.

06/03/2009 09:21:59 AM · #16
Originally posted by maggieddd:

I've been wondering why do people blog? Lots of people don't even know what to post on their blog or don't have time, so why blog? I am just curious.

The reason for starting my blog changed and involved over time. It began as a personal journal and a way to document the happenings in my community. I love to write, but rarely complete anything I start; so the idea of something that will never be complete really appeals to me. As my interests in gardening and permaculture grew I began documenting the creation of my raised beds and improvements we made around the place.

It is also a great outlet for my snapshots of critters and things that don't garner a lot of interest on a photography forum. My husband became a reader (especially after he made an appearance or two). He got excited and sent the link around to friends and family. I began including posts to keep them updated.

Most recently it is a venue to test and promote a product I will be distributing. It's interesting that once I got into blogging I found time that I didn't think I had. I am able to justify it because the quality is much greater than the sporadic emails I used to send to keep people apprised of my activities.

Sorry for the long rambling answer...but you did ask:)

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