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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Iceland and the Aurora Borealis - Advice
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02/09/2009 04:38:46 PM · #1
Hello all!

I am headed to Iceland on Thursday for 4 nights. I am hoping to take some stellar photos. Anybody have any advice on where to go specifically? I am also really wanting to see the Aurora Borealis, which I have never seen. But I also want to capture some of its beauty! Anybody have any advice on the best way to shoot it and where the best places in Iceland are to see it/capture it.

Thanks everybody!
02/09/2009 05:05:25 PM · #2
They know but they will not give up their secrets.
02/09/2009 05:15:48 PM · #3

Congrats on your trip. I can't give you Iceland suggestions, but from a person in Alaska - my suggestions would be to check the Aurora forecast. Yes - there are such things. When you get there ask someone where to find the forecast. Also, get away from city lights (even a little light will really diminish your photos). You will want a clear view of the northern sky (no hills in your way). Dress warm, bring some hot tea or hot chocolate and bring those little chemical hand warmers. If the aurora is out, you don't want anything to make you leave before you have your shot! Good Luck and share those pics when you get back!
02/09/2009 05:26:29 PM · #4
I'm headed to Kiruma, Sweden with Fetor tomorrow, hoping for the same thing. He told me today that this has been a crappy year for the Aurora, but I have my hopes yet.

My plan is to stay away from town, with it's ambient light, and think "bulb", with a steady hand or tripod. Good luck

02/09/2009 05:30:18 PM · #5
Maybe send a PM to Larus LalliSig , if he has time he might pass on a word of advice.
02/09/2009 05:42:38 PM · #6
I imagine something like this or this would be helpful. I am making assumptions that the Aurora are similar whether viewed from Alaska or Iceland. It doesn't look very promising right now. Just try Googling "aurora forecast iceland" or something similar. I'm from Northern Minnesota and I just remember seeing them a few times each year as a child, but we usually escaped to California in the winters.
02/10/2009 12:53:23 AM · #7
Thanks for all of your replies. I did know about the forecast, but never had that exact link boyd2000. Thats dissapointing, because it looks like for the next month and a half it is all 0-2 predictions. Well, maybe still. Was looking at the weather too, blahhh! It'll be fun either way.

Thanks for sending me that link alans_world. I was going to get on here today and searh for him because Ive seen his work before. Fantastic.

Thanks all, will let you know how it goes!
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