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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Do I need a reseller's permit?
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09/15/2008 04:14:10 PM · #1
I own a marketing company in California. But I am starting up a separate photography-specific division of my company. I'll mostly be doing outdoor family portraits. Do I need a California resellers permit in order to sell prints to my customers? My marketing business is service oriented and I'm not charging sales tax on the work I do. But I'm thinking that printing and selling pictures might be different. Thanks in advance.
09/15/2008 06:00:29 PM · #2
Yes, if you are selling a physical product in California you'll need a Seller's Permit and to file a sales tax return with the California State Board of Equalization.
09/15/2008 07:45:49 PM · #3
What the state of California doesn't know won't hurt them ;-)

But, seriously, yes. It is very easy to get.
09/16/2008 11:29:43 AM · #4
So is the whole reason for having a seller's permit, with California, for sales tax purposes?
09/16/2008 11:39:27 AM · #5
Originally posted by chafer:

So is the whole reason for having a seller's permit, with California, for sales tax purposes?

For the State, yes. This has nothing to do with any local business license which may be required to conduct business in your location.
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