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DPChallenge Forums >> Business of Photography >> New website to promote my Wedding Business
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10/12/2006 11:48:52 AM · #1

I have just finished editing and uploading a new website to promote Wedding Business. Right now I only have one (sniff) wedding in my portfolio so I'm definitely looking for more opportunities to expand my portfolio.


Please tell me what you think and if you like this website.

Thank you!

****Edit: Ooops forgot to post the URL hehe****

Message edited by author 2006-10-12 11:51:35.
10/12/2006 01:14:41 PM · #2
Can't understand a thing on it.
10/24/2006 01:41:02 PM · #3
I like the website, but I would offer a few suggestions.
1) Add contact information to the actual website instead of a pop-up box. That way, if someone prints the page, they will have your information.
2) Add information about you as the photographer.
3) I like your opening comments, however; the words blend in with the background too much. You could increase the font size, add a shadow (lighter) or change the color altogether.
4)I like your galleries. However, I would suggest lowering the quality of the photo's that you post on the web. Some of the pictures take a while to load. If anyone has dial-up, they may get frustrated before they see your work.
5) I would add a menu to the pages. Once you enter a gallery, its difficult to navigate to other galleries or back to the main page.
6) The page layout is a little wider than my computer screen, so I have to scroll over to view everything. I would shrink it down a little.
The wedding pictures are stunning with the emotional aspect. Nice job
10/24/2006 01:45:28 PM · #4
Even with my high speed cable connection... the photos are VERY slow to load.... bummer, because I would love to look through them... but Im too impatient!
10/24/2006 01:50:42 PM · #5
Originally posted by Sunniee:

Even with my high speed cable connection... the photos are VERY slow to load.... bummer, because I would love to look through them... but Im too impatient!

i found that too. But I do like the photos...I was patient.
10/24/2006 02:12:17 PM · #6
Yeah, the photos are quite slow to load for me too.

You might consider giving the images actual titles and not things like "IMG_1267_filtered" since that shows on the screen.
10/24/2006 02:25:35 PM · #7
Very slow here too and I also have High-Speed cable.
10/24/2006 03:24:32 PM · #8
Wow! I had forgotten about this thread because I thought it wasn't getting much attention but now I can see all your feedback, thank you very much!.

The thing that troubles me the most is the speed, I am talking to my service provider in order to see what can be done to increase the speed.

Also all of your recommendations about some aspects of the design are very welcome, I still have work to do here, thank you very much
01/07/2007 09:33:38 PM · #9
Dude, the problem is not with your provider it's with you. giggle4fun recommended you reduce your image size. Try optimising them. Never keep the user waiting. You only have about 5-10 sections to grab the user. Keep that in mind when designing a web site.

Good Luck.
01/07/2007 11:09:53 PM · #10
Originally posted by TROCK:

Dude, the problem is not with your provider it's with you.

"Dude," that was 2 MONTHS AGO and your comment strikes me as being more than a little beligerent to the OP.
01/27/2007 05:06:29 PM · #11
My bad _eug. You may be rt. That was not my intentions. Forgive me my brother. I do hope my advice was helpful. I saw the site and it looks much better. Patrinus your photos are very cool. =)
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