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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> What's DNMC?
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04/01/2006 08:47:46 AM · #1
OK. I admit I'm not the greatest photographer on here. I thought I was of at least average intelligence. I want to enter a photo that I took in 2000 with my old Coolpix 2000. What's DNMC? Why is it grounds for disqualification?

I like these challenges when you don't have to go out and shoot something!

Biker Greg
04/01/2006 08:48:30 AM · #2
Did not meet challenge
04/01/2006 08:53:15 AM · #3
04/01/2006 08:58:30 AM · #4
Originally posted by BikerGreg:

OK. I admit I'm not the greatest photographer on here. I thought I was of at least average intelligence. I want to enter a photo that I took in 2000 with my old Coolpix 2000. What's DNMC? Why is it grounds for disqualification?

I like these challenges when you don't have to go out and shoot something!

Biker Greg

No challenge for pics from 2000 at present! You'll have to sit on that one for a while!

(Can you imagine the trouble if there was a challenge for 6 years ago - it was bad enough for 2002!!!!)
04/01/2006 09:51:06 AM · #5
Originally posted by Pixelstate:

Did not meet challenge

And what would that mean? That it couldn't have been entered in any of the challenges that year? That it was a bad photo? That it was disqualified in 2002?

Does anyone know for sure?
04/01/2006 10:07:57 AM · #6
Originally posted by Louison:

Originally posted by Pixelstate:

Did not meet challenge

And what would that mean? That it couldn't have been entered in any of the challenges that year? That it was a bad photo? That it was disqualified in 2002?

Does anyone know for sure?

I'm with you on this one! I'm still confused. :-P
04/01/2006 10:14:46 AM · #7
The rules for the current Member Speed Challenge says that the photo must be taken in 2002. If not, it's disqualified for not meeting the challenge...hence an image from 2000 not being accepted for this challenge.
04/01/2006 10:25:43 AM · #8
Originally posted by blazingmoonlight:

The rules for the current Member Speed Challenge says that the photo must be taken in 2002. If not, it's disqualified for not meeting the challenge...hence an image from 2000 not being accepted for this challenge.

Oh, then it would rather be DOES not meet challenge... now I get it.

Thanks all.
04/01/2006 01:03:38 PM · #9
One moves with hesitancy regarding anything requesting same's time, having been issued on the first day of April though, right? :)
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