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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Horrified by odd couple results!!!
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03/06/2006 12:50:34 AM · #1
Is it me or do other think that some of the more amazing photos from the odd couple challenge were over looked? Of course I thought mine was superb (but I may be a little bias), but looking through how things placed, the really quality shots that fit the challenge and were artistic placed in the 20 and 30. While photos that clearly were not to par with some of the others placed higher. Don't get me wrong I am sure that most people worked hard on their entries, but I am still not seeing how they were voted so high. In fact I am so upset at how DCpers are voting that I don't know if I want to enter another challenge. I am a well trained photographer with a degree in photo so I don't feel like I am here to pick up techinical skills. I was hoping to be challenged in my creativity, but it seems people here are only interested in very basic commercial photos. I am on the other hand very happy with my entry and in fact it is one of my new favorites, I just wish people could see the artistic side of photography, but maybe that is too much to ask for from this site.
03/06/2006 01:02:19 AM · #2
Don't worry too much about scores. If you like your entry, and you can submit it for others to look at and rate and comment on, that should be enough.

To score highly you have to please the voters, but don't bother with that, just shoot how you want, process how you want, and just appreciate the fact that you're trying new stuff and sharing your work with others.

Or you could invest in some pretty colored lights, and some flower seeds, and buy some cute cats and dogs and adopt some cute kids, and you'll be set for whatever comes up. :P
03/06/2006 01:10:38 AM · #3
Considering your average vote cast, it would seem that you already consider yourself significantly more talented than the great masses of the unwashed.

I hate to sound harsh, but you have to consider that this venue caters to a myriad of players, each of whom has a different perspective on what constitutes a fantastic shot. There are countless examples of instances where lesser photos have risen to the top... and the justification for such successes is not for us to debate......lest we want to be here at the turn of the next century.

Take solace in the fact that you took a wonderful photo, and it did place in the upper echelon of all the submissions ... something that has escaped many a talented person on this site.

Just a thought.

03/06/2006 01:46:01 AM · #4
Define 'quality shot'. I found yours to be out of focus and difficult to look at because of it. the set up was great, and definately fits the challenge, but it makes my eyes hurt.
03/06/2006 01:10:54 PM · #5
I liked the image, the color, the subject, and the soft focus. But I didn't have it as a top ten, maybe top twenty. Does that mean I don't "get" it? That I'm too uncouth to have such a fine appreciation of "art" as you?
I think you should get over yourself. Insulting the voters will not get you what you want.
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