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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Im Going to be DQ'd on Monday
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 51, (reverse)
10/15/2005 10:50:06 AM · #1
CAN'T BELIEVE IT... i just deleted files out of my iphoto and can't seem to recover them.... i've lost quite a few photos, some of a wedding, and the main thing.... the original of the photo in the current challange, which btw is going great......
Im soooooo stupid........

10/15/2005 10:57:22 AM · #2
I'm no specific help, but don't despair yet. There may be someone on here who can help with recovery, somehow, someway. Good luck.
10/15/2005 11:01:45 AM · #3
iphoto is a program? Did you delete them to the recycling bin? Or is this off a card? Not familier with the program or such. Anyway there are several recovery programs out there that can be used to get them back, there was a recent thread infact, hang on, let me see if I can find it.........Deleted 400 edited pictures HELP!!

Maybe something there can help

Do you still have the original card the picture was taken on, if no other pictures have been taken on that card it's possible to recover that as well.

Don't panic yet
10/15/2005 11:05:40 AM · #4
pm scalvert..he is a Mac expert..
10/15/2005 11:05:53 AM · #5
thanks guys, but i think i have done everything i can, the photos were taken last week, so yes their well and truly gone from my card/camera, i dont know how they ended up in the trash, i thought i had transfered them over to my new external hardrive...then i emptyed the trash.... im currently running data rescue, dosen't seem to have found them though, i ran image recovery and also juice..... not a thing...
can't believe it, i have 30 comments 5 favs and looks like it's going to be my highest score to date..... WAHHHHHH........
10/15/2005 11:06:26 AM · #6
Originally posted by bucket:

pm scalvert..he is a Mac expert..

LOL.... was the very first thing i did, but he's offline at the moment...
10/15/2005 11:14:55 AM · #7
even worse than the challenge has to be losing the original of a beautiful shot, and being left with only a web sized version...sorry to hear that..
maybe I should really get to work on backing up my shots more and earlier..
remember if you do well then you did well ie:if the ribbon is yours you can still know that, you just don't get to show it...
10/15/2005 11:32:32 AM · #8
Originally posted by bucket:

even worse than the challenge has to be losing the original of a beautiful shot, and being left with only a web sized version...sorry to hear that..
maybe I should really get to work on backing up my shots more and earlier..
remember if you do well then you did well ie:if the ribbon is yours you can still know that, you just don't get to show it...

thanks robert.... but luckily, when i pp an image i save it as a tiff, and file it totally separate to iphoto.. so i still have a 24X16 of the photo....
but i just realised also, that two of my kids had birthday photos on there...
I spose it's a HUGE lesson learnt... and i did learn from it, so that is the main thing....
although all is not lost, shannon just pm'd me to try out something else.... Finger's crossed...
10/15/2005 11:32:38 AM · #9
try running a file recovery program on your cf card. That worked for a friend of mine he also used iphoto could not get them back then I ran the program on his cf card and got them back.

Message edited by author 2005-10-15 11:33:16.
10/15/2005 11:35:01 AM · #10
Did you actually empty the trash in iPhoto? If so recovery IS still possible! Use File Salvage to search for the data off of your drive. OR use Camera Salvage to search for the stuff off of your card. I use both applications at work all the time (Apple certified tech), both work great. One catch with file salvage though, make sure you have a device to recover the data onto that's not your boot drive, IE external firewire drive, the card for your camera, etc. Also with file salvage, you won't have nice names for the files it'll be jpeg picture 1, jpeg picture 2, etc.

edit: by the way, the apps are not free sadly but they are some of the best data recovery utilites available for the mac.

Message edited by author 2005-10-15 11:36:14.
10/15/2005 11:35:10 AM · #11
Originally posted by digitalpins:

try running a file recovery program on your cf card. That worked for a friend of mine he also used iphoto could not get them back then I ran the program on his cf card and got them back.

yep already tryed that, but as they were taken last week,( or the week before ) i have since taken and erased other photos from the card... when i did the revcovery on the card, they didn't show up, as a matter of fact, even the last photos i took didn't show up.....
thanks so much guy's, you all have hearts of gold....
10/15/2005 11:37:57 AM · #12
Originally posted by erschmitt:

Did you actually empty the trash in iPhoto? If so recovery IS still possible! Use File Salvage to search for the data off of your drive. OR use Camera Salvage to search for the stuff off of your card. I use both applications at work all the time (Apple certified tech), both work great. One catch with file salvage though, make sure you have a device to recover the data onto that's not your boot drive, IE external firewire drive, the card for your camera, etc. Also with file salvage, you won't have nice names for the files it'll be jpeg picture 1, jpeg picture 2, etc.

they were'n't in iphoto trash , they were in the trash on the dock.. ( and yepp i emptyed it..).. i have run data rescue, and i couldn't see anything remotly like the jpeg names....it searched for them on the hardrive... do you have any other ideas??.. i may be running out of time, as i had to download the data rescue software, so i may have already written over them??...

Message edited by author 2005-10-15 11:38:38.
10/15/2005 11:48:30 AM · #13
so you actually went into ~/photos/iphoto library/// and pulled the pictures out of there? Those data recovery tools are going to be your only bet then. Like I said before - filesalvage works wonders, and camera salvage I've seen get pictures off of cards that were overwritten multiple times. Do you have another machine or firewire drive you can boot from, continuing to use your current machine is probably not a good idea if you NEED to get those shots back
10/15/2005 11:55:42 AM · #14
Originally posted by erschmitt:

so you actually went into ~/photos/iphoto library/// and pulled the pictures out of there? Those data recovery tools are going to be your only bet then. Like I said before - filesalvage works wonders, and camera salvage I've seen get pictures off of cards that were overwritten multiple times. Do you have another machine or firewire drive you can boot from, continuing to use your current machine is probably not a good idea if you NEED to get those shots back

yes the /photos/iphotolibrary/year/month/day is what is missing... i have NO idea how they got intothe trash,.... the funny thing is though, at the bottom of iphoto it's still telling me " 1704 photos"... and all the squares are in iphoto with their img_ number but with empty black boxes????
i will down load the one you said and give it a go,, yes i have just bought an external harddrive...
thanks eric..
10/15/2005 11:58:37 AM · #15
SOMETHING IS HAPPENING.... there are jpegs found... YEE HAA... hope it's them... just recovering now...
keep you informed...
10/15/2005 12:09:15 PM · #16
Originally posted by roadrunner:

...at the bottom of iphoto it's still telling me " 1704 photos"... and all the squares are in iphoto with their img_ number but with empty black boxes????

Rebuilding the iPhoto library should fix that. Hold down command-option while you launch iPhoto.
10/15/2005 12:18:28 PM · #17
Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by roadrunner:

...at the bottom of iphoto it's still telling me " 1704 photos"... and all the squares are in iphoto with their img_ number but with empty black boxes????

Rebuilding the iPhoto library should fix that. Hold down command-option while you launch iPhoto.

thanks shannon... i did that immediately after you pm'd me.. didn't work... but i have just used data rescue to do another search , and it found 2700 jpegs.. so im really hoping this is them... it's going to take bloody ages though..... still has 200 minutes to go.. i have a really cracking headache andit's 2.20am here... but i will have to stay here so the machine doesnt go off to sleep also....lol.....
will keep you informed on how i go... maybe not tonight i may fall asleep on the kkeyboard...

10/15/2005 12:23:06 PM · #18
what a cliffhanger!!
i hope you find them, kel!
: (
10/15/2005 12:28:43 PM · #19
Originally posted by roadrunner:

... maybe not tonight i may fall asleep on the kkeyboard...

Just don't fall asleep on the delete key.
10/15/2005 12:29:05 PM · #20
Originally posted by tpoc:

what a cliffhanger!!
i hope you find them, kel!
: (

LOL.... crackup... thanks for the chuckle... i needed that.. :):):):)
10/15/2005 12:31:10 PM · #21
Originally posted by jhonan:

Originally posted by roadrunner:

... maybe not tonight i may fall asleep on the kkeyboard...

Just don't fall asleep on the delete key.

2 X LOL... hey just my luck that i would..... kekkeke.....
10/15/2005 12:36:32 PM · #22
Does your keyboard have a "where's my #%*@ photos" button? Beating on the monitor seems to provide relief for some people, but rarely positive results.
10/15/2005 12:38:55 PM · #23
I think that you should just delete iphoto. I had the same thing happen to me twice and that was enough for me. I went to apple.com and looked up forums about iphoto and from what i could see the program is not photographer friendly. so now i use image capture, and photo tool and photoshop to manage my photos. I you are manageing that many photos i recomend using something different than iphoto.
10/15/2005 12:40:49 PM · #24
Originally posted by scalvert:

Does your keyboard have a "where's my #%*@ photos" button? Beating on the monitor seems to provide relief for some people, but rarely positive results.

no... but i wish someone would invent one.... lmao...
10/15/2005 12:46:28 PM · #25
Originally posted by gclark:

I think that you should just delete iphoto. I had the same thing happen to me twice and that was enough for me. I went to apple.com and looked up forums about iphoto and from what i could see the program is not photographer friendly. so now i use image capture, and photo tool and photoshop to manage my photos. I you are manageing that many photos i recomend using something different than iphoto.

sounds like a great idea to me geoff.... i will look into that tomorrow....
thanks :)
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