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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Beginners Beware!
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09/14/2005 12:58:19 PM · #1
I am a beginner and I am using DPChallenge to learn about photography and try and improve my skills. I was under the understanding that all levels of photographers were incouraged to participate in challenges but perhaps I have misunderstood. I have just recieved a critique that calls my photo "stupid" and claims that it is "over done" and there is "no use for it". These type of comments don't seem to help me improve and seemed overly agressive. Perhaps I should not be participating yet. Is this common or is this just someone who enjoys belittling other peoples work by calling it "stupid".
09/14/2005 01:00:07 PM · #2
just discard those comments like they never happened, you're going to get them from time to time and there's nothing you can do about it.

09/14/2005 01:01:04 PM · #3
If the person seriously used the word Stupid, that is a bad comment, but dont let some people bring you down, you get out there and shoot and lear all you can, there is tons of knowledge on this site but there are a select few who will ruin your day, but dont worry about it,
09/14/2005 01:03:44 PM · #4
Originally posted by Troutbear:

I am a beginner and I am using DPChallenge to learn about photography and try and improve my skills. I was under the understanding that all levels of photographers were incouraged to participate in challenges but perhaps I have misunderstood. I have just recieved a critique that calls my photo "stupid" and claims that it is "over done" and there is "no use for it".

Hmm, I just commented that a photo was overdone...was it me?

I didn't use the words "stupid" or say there was "no use for it", so maybe it was somebody else.
09/14/2005 01:05:09 PM · #5
I get comments like that every now and then. Just ignore, don't mark as helpful and move on. Submit photos and learn from everyone on this site. It's a great community but every now and then, there are people who tend to do that. Don't be discouraged. I've seen your photos and suggest that you sign up for membership and upload more photos for critique beyond the challenges. You'll be surprised at how much our community helps each other out.
09/14/2005 01:05:49 PM · #6
This seems to be a common complaint. Thankfully I've been spared these comments but I'd definitely hope that the site council would be able and willing to act on incidents like this.

"Don't worry about it" is good advice but I do hope that these trolls are identified and punished appropriately.

Message edited by author 2005-09-14 13:06:39.
09/14/2005 01:06:02 PM · #7
The picture was descriped as "a stupid picture" with "a stupid perspective". I wont give anymore detail because I don't want anyone to be able to recognize the photo.
09/14/2005 01:07:10 PM · #8
That kind of comment is not the norm here and perhaps made by someone who is also a newcomer and not aware of the courtesy we as a whole use in making helpful comments. Hopefully you will recieve comments that are polite as well as useful and if not, consider posting your pic after the challenge is over to get more useful and encouraging help if you need it. Hang in there!
09/14/2005 01:08:41 PM · #9
Hey Trout - don't let them get you down man.

I'm a new DPCer myself and have done just a few challenges now (still trying to figure out how to break out of the dreaded 4's). On my first submissions I got a few harsh comments too - they just seem to happen. To my surprise, once you look at their profiles, some of my harshest critics didn't own a camera or participate in any challenges - go figure.

In the end, I keep plugging away because in the short time I've been here, it's improved my eye for shots and has already "upped my game." The pros outweigh the cons of this place by far.

Good luck!
09/14/2005 01:09:06 PM · #10
If it were me sho got a comment like that I would pm the guy and politely say that you are a beginner and just wanted to learn and that you don't appreciate comments that are only ment to belittle. Hopefully he will feel like an ass after that. And hopefully he will tone down his comments to suggestions.
09/14/2005 01:09:06 PM · #11
Take it with a grain of salt. It's sad, but when someone uses words such as stupid I wouldn't give their critique much credit. It happens and it's really too bad, but I think you'll find (at least I hope) that most of the folks around here are very helpful and encouraging. Keep in mind this is a community and within communities you have all types of folks, some nice and some not-so-nice. Sometimes I think we need to all step back and remember what it was like when we first started submitting here and how intimidating it may have been. We all had to start somewhere. :-)
09/14/2005 01:10:03 PM · #12
Check out the top ten photos in ANY challenge. You will find that even they get their fair share of boneheads handing out 1's and 2's.

Some of those masterful shooters get upset and leave the site because of it. That is more disappointing than getting these kinds of comments is worth.

Please don't worry about it. Don't even think that it is necessary to argue with these people either. Keep going.
09/14/2005 01:10:58 PM · #13
I hope whoever put that comment is a) feeling bad because it is so destructive and b) has the guts to respond to this thread and say why they put it. Unfortunately I think they will do neither!

Don't let it bug you, Trent, most people try to be helpful and you will learn a lot from their comments and also from trying to comment yourself.

Welcome to challenge life!


09/14/2005 01:12:03 PM · #14
09/14/2005 01:13:51 PM · #15
Originally posted by louddog:


Remember Trent is a newbie here , he may think you are insulting him!!!
09/14/2005 01:13:53 PM · #16
I just looked at the 2 challenge entries you've submitted so far. Your photos show a lot of promise. And in the comments on them, you got a wealth of insight and suggestions on how to improve them. All the comments were, in fact, pretty constructive although a few were pretty direct. So I assume, you are referring to a comment received on a current (still voting) challenge.

Don't let the occasional bad commenter get you down. I believe there are no bad comments but there are some bad commenters.

A wise person once said to me, "You can't be responsible for the personality disorders of others!" Words to live by.

Keep shooting. Have fun. I expect you to do well over time and better and better with more experience.
09/14/2005 01:19:21 PM · #17
Wow. Thank you all for your incouragment.
09/14/2005 01:23:20 PM · #18
Any time you get a comment that you feel is over the line, feel free to report it to a member of the Site Council. Then we can look into it and take appropriate action if needed.
09/14/2005 01:26:32 PM · #19
There is a person on this site who wants to be removed, and has announced that they are willing to be hostile towards innocent victims until this happens. They have made comments calling the work on this site "crap" and even calling one photograher a "loser".

I've reported this person a couple of times, yet the user and their comments remain. This is probably a difficult issue for L&D & SC to address, due to the subjective dangers of removing individual comments.

Just think of this site as cross-section of the outside world. There are jerks here, just as there are at the grocery store or driving down the road.

Perhaps that comment could be considered "a blessing in disguise". Being a photographer is easier if you develop a tough skin to negative criticism. Hopefully you will use this as a springboard to continue your growth, instead of a reason to quit.

Please shake it off and stick around!:)
09/14/2005 01:31:30 PM · #20
And if all else fails, just send that person a PM saying: "I know you are but what am I?".

They wouldn't dare counter that! :)
09/14/2005 01:33:50 PM · #21
Roxanne - I sent you a PM. :)
09/14/2005 01:35:50 PM · #22
Don't take it to heart. There are a lot of helpful people here on DPC. Just ask questions in the forums and someone will help you out. I'm just learning also....have to say that this forum helped me a ton.
09/14/2005 01:56:55 PM · #23
Originally posted by louddog:


He's Back!!!!!!!!
09/14/2005 02:13:15 PM · #24
Originally posted by Troutbear:

I am a beginner and I am using DPChallenge to learn about photography and try and improve my skills. I was under the understanding that all levels of photographers were incouraged to participate in challenges but perhaps I have misunderstood. I have just recieved a critique that calls my photo "stupid" and claims that it is "over done" and there is "no use for it". These type of comments don't seem to help me improve and seemed overly agressive. Perhaps I should not be participating yet. Is this common or is this just someone who enjoys belittling other peoples work by calling it "stupid".

A belated Welcome to you Trent.

Learning is supposed to be what this site is all about. But sometimes we forget to be as "newbie friendly" as we should be, and we have our occasional bad apple. Please disregard that comment and continue entering the challenges. Or just hang around in the forums. Either way, you can't help but pick up lots of helpful tips and info to improve your photo skills.
09/14/2005 02:17:06 PM · #25
It can't be as bad as the comment I have on this photo

I'm actually kind of proud of it. It's the only comment the guy ever made! He must have really liked me. (I swear he must be Chit's twin)
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