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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Where do you go for inspiration?
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07/06/2005 08:37:22 PM · #1
Just wondering where everyone goes for photographic inspiration besides here.
07/06/2005 08:38:36 PM · #2
Outside ;-)
07/06/2005 08:40:12 PM · #3
Some times I just get in the car and go somewhere, anywhere.
07/06/2005 08:40:54 PM · #4
Here, other sites, and my camera clubs. Viewing others' pics helps inspire me.
07/06/2005 08:41:49 PM · #5
I think I am going to crawlin a cardboard box and poke holes in it and look out through them.
07/06/2005 08:43:43 PM · #6
I also get into my car and drive.... sometimes I get some great photos and sometimes I bomb out. But it does get me out of the house and seeing new things.

07/06/2005 08:53:40 PM · #7
I give myself a moment's peace to reflect on what a wonderful life I have and decide to go make the most of it.
07/06/2005 08:58:52 PM · #8
Sometimes, I get in my truck and drive...sometimes when I do that, I come back without even taking my camera out of the bag. Other times, I'll find some cool event and start shooting and come back with a loaded memory card. :D
07/06/2005 09:03:34 PM · #9
I hang around the girls locker room. 8^)
07/06/2005 09:31:12 PM · #10
I'm with Mick!! seriously though I just go outside, sometimes drive sometimes walk.... or I'll just be siting at work and an dea will hit me.
07/06/2005 09:34:22 PM · #11
LOL @ Jewellian and Mick!
I usually walk around town for inspiration, or hit up my mom to drive me somewhere. :)
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