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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> No relation whatsoever to photography...
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04/25/2003 01:40:39 AM · #1
Does anyone know a totally free way of obtaining a large amount of moving boxes (of any size)?

I figure I can ask some stores for any shipment type stuff - but any suggestions so I can narrow my search.

I tried craigslist.org and didn't find any (sometimes people list free boxes)..

Oh and I guess i can relate this to photography.. how? Well, I need boxes to move my stuff.. and some of my stuff includes my cameras, photos, and computer ;) See! It's related afterall. hee

thanks guys!
04/25/2003 01:49:26 AM · #2
ask at your local supermarket... grocery store, whatever you call them in america. That's how we got most of our boxes when we moved.
04/25/2003 02:00:23 AM · #3
If you ask the produce folks at your market in the morning, they will usually put aside a bunch of matching boxes for you to pick up later. I especially like the nesting apple and orange boxes, although they've told me the banana boxes are the strongest -- but they're a little too big for heavy stuff -- just right for clothing/bedding if they're clean and dry.
04/25/2003 02:30:26 AM · #4
The college students mainstay...liqour stores!!
04/25/2003 02:46:28 AM · #5
Originally posted by dacrazyrn:

The college students mainstay...liqour stores!!

Too many of the boxes at liquor stores are cut, torn, or flimsy. The apple and orange boxes smell better too...
04/25/2003 02:49:37 AM · #6
But...Jack smell good, too!! Hiccup! (C:
04/25/2003 06:33:06 AM · #7
Go to a really big copy store (photocopy) paper boxes are strong and a good size. I worked at one when I was in university and we were always trying to get rid of them, i used them every year i moved while in school.
04/25/2003 07:25:58 AM · #8
Last time I moved I got boxes from a small plaza which none of the stores had a crusher but they all cut down the boxes so it made it easy to take the boxes home in the car, all I needed was a roll of packing tape and I was good.

Message edited by author 2003-04-25 09:02:14.
04/25/2003 08:53:05 AM · #9
your local u-haul rental store sells good quality boxes... of course you have to pay, but not too much....
04/25/2003 10:39:48 AM · #10
Originally posted by dacrazyrn:

But...Jack smell good, too!! Hiccup! (C:

I hate cutting myself on the broken glass though...I wouldn't mind so much if they just forgot a bottle in there...However liquor/corner stores are a very good source for smaller boxes (like snack foods come in) for pre-packing small items (like photo equipment).

Message edited by author 2003-04-25 10:40:35.
04/27/2003 02:38:20 PM · #11
Thanks everyone!!
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