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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Remote Flash Trigger Question
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09/15/2010 11:13:46 PM · #1
Ok, I'm terrible at searching the forums so I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere.

I would like to know how to trigger my hot-shoe-mounted flash and a remote WITHOUT using the spotty IR sensors that are built in (Canon 580EX II). The IR feature is really untrustworthy and I can't be messing with it during a wedding.

My ultimate goal is to be able to shoot a subject (a couple dancing...or just posing) as I normally would with my TTL flash...but also trigger a remote flash as a kicker or hair light, etc.

Does anyone know if there is a special gizmo or just a trick that would get this to work?

I do have Pocket Wizards. I do know how to trigger two flashes with three wizards. I do know how to trigger a remote flash with the Master/Slave setting. Unfortunately, none of these options will work for me b/c they are either not reliable or do not use the TTL system (which I want because I want the freedom to move around in relation to the subject). Any Ideas?

I swear I spotted a photog rolling around with the set-up I want...but it was a glimpse on a TV show so I couldn't track her down.

Any help would be appreciated!


Message edited by author 2010-09-15 23:14:45.
09/15/2010 11:16:59 PM · #2

Message edited by author 2010-09-15 23:20:58.
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