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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> new photographers web sites
Showing posts 1 - 7 of 7, (reverse)
06/03/2010 01:31:31 AM · #1
hi im trying to see new stuff, did any one know a good photographer site?

the best for me: david hill

jill greenberg

joey lawrence

06/03/2010 01:42:45 AM · #2
Darwin Wiggett
Daryl Benson

These are two local photographers that have good sites.
06/03/2010 01:46:48 AM · #3
scroll thru deviantart photography catergory
06/03/2010 01:47:25 AM · #4
Originally posted by cpanaioti:

Darwin Wiggett
Daryl Benson

These are two local photographers that have good sites.

thanks they have some nice landscape shots :)
06/03/2010 01:49:25 AM · #5
Originally posted by JustCaree:

scroll thru deviantart photography catergory

thats a good idea :)
06/03/2010 02:50:36 AM · #6
Mostly Lisa
Magnum Photos

Me Just kidding on that last one... :)

Message edited by author 2010-06-03 03:15:39.
06/03/2010 03:18:29 AM · #7
David LaChapelle
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