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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Trouble with transparent backgrounds when printed.
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05/24/2017 10:09:11 AM · #1
If you're already working in Photoshop, then there's no reason to use PNG. Just put everything on a layer, delete the background, and print directly from Photoshop. You can make a temporary background layer with a contrasting color (or use the eyedropper tool) to see if there is still tone in areas that are supposed to be transparent.
05/24/2017 09:59:21 AM · #2
Perhaps when they were created the background didn't get totally removed.

As a check try this:

Put one of the offending bitmojis on top a white fill layer. Then edit the levels on the bitmoji layer and push the middle and left slider all the way to the right. If there are any remnants of the original background showing up this will reveal them.

05/24/2017 08:50:18 AM · #3
Yea, it is a bit difficult to see from the image. It is pretty easily see in hand though. My office thought it would be fun to use Bitmojis to say goodbye to someone leaving the company. They all sent theirs to me and I'm in charge of putting it all together. Most already had the transparency on and worked great on screen. Others I had to put in PS to remove the white background. All of them are giving me the faint background once printed. It is over the entire file, like a little ghost box, just slightly darker than the background I have selected.
05/24/2017 08:25:33 AM · #4
I'm having a tough time seeing the problem on the linked image.

How were the PNG's created? Is the ghosting at the edges or over the entire area?

Message edited by author 2017-05-24 08:27:09.
05/24/2017 08:04:00 AM · #5
I'm working with a file with about 30 PNG files in it. There is no background when in Photoshop or Illustrator. When I print each file has a slight "ghosting" in it. There seems to be a faint background still there. Here is a photo of the print. I tried to edit it so the boxes were easily seen. I'm pulling my hair out. This was supposed to be printed yesterday. I have heard that PNG files are web based and that you should print with TIFF if you want to keep the transparency. I changed a few to TIFF but I get the same result. I hope someone can shine some light on this issue.

Thank you for your time


Message edited by author 2017-05-24 08:05:12.
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