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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> Shuttle Launch - March 11th PM
Showing posts 26 - 30 of 30, (reverse)
03/12/2009 09:33:53 PM · #26
Originally posted by alanfreed:

I'd try to secure a spot on the pier pretty early if I were you (assuming that's where you want to see it). I'll bet it gets filled up really quick!

Originally posted by Ja-9:

my husband and I will be camping at Jetty Park near the launch

that is the plan...if anyone wants to join us....it will be PACKED as it is now on a Sunday...still reasonable time to make the trip back home...if anyone wants to come early...they can say hi at our campsite...just let me know if you think you might come over....
03/16/2009 07:34:12 PM · #27
just curious...did anyone else go to the launch yesterday? It was great...the first one I have ever seen in person...and I have lived here in FL for 27 years!!! I have always been able to see them from my yard but that is about it....just was wondering if anyone else went...I was at the pier on Jetty Park...
03/16/2009 07:38:58 PM · #28
Another thread with pictures got started over here.

How crowded was the pier?

Message edited by author 2009-03-16 19:39:21.
03/16/2009 07:46:22 PM · #29
Originally posted by alanfreed:

Another thread with pictures got started over here.

How crowded was the pier?

it wasn't bad at all...I thought it would be shoulder to shoulder...we drove around earlier to ck out what we thought would be the best spot...but decided that we would rather "walk" back to our trailer and not have to put up with the LONG lines of traffic (good choice on our part)...I made a friend there that was shooting and fishing for the whole day (told him about DP...I think he is going to sign up soon!!) so he "held" a spot for me (which was very kind) and we had a blast setting up our shots...quite exhilarating!!! we were like a couple of kids in a candy store...laughing and having a blast!!
03/16/2009 09:07:02 PM · #30
I really REALLY wanted to be there for this one, but one my children was leaving for a field trip this morning and had to be out the door at 4:50 to make the bus. Between the drive down, the risk of delays, and then the traffic and drive back, I was concerned I would end up with about 2 hrs sleep and nothing to show for it.

To compound it all, we did see the launch from our backyard, and it being another (ho-hum) typical launch, I didn't bother to shoot it. Turns out, I have never seen one as impressive as this was. The smoke cloud was almost like a rainbow from the gradients of sunset as the shuttle got higher, and this was the first time I could see the boosters separate from the vehicle.

I definitely missed my opportunity for an "illuminative subject" entry.

Life goes on.
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