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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> Street Photography Challenge
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07/03/2013 03:04:54 PM · #1
I don't know about you, but I am absolutely terrified of asking strangers to let me take their photo or even pointing a camera at people in the street.. Anyone up for a side challenge to help overcome this fear?
07/03/2013 03:34:45 PM · #2
I'm definitely uncomfortable with this, but I am in.
07/03/2013 03:52:44 PM · #3
there was a street photography challenge recently

i don't think 'real' street photography involves asking people to pose, to me that becomes portraits. i've done both, with rewarding results either way.
07/03/2013 04:04:45 PM · #4
I could use a challenge right now. I'm game.

Are you thinking more along the lines of this challenge from a couple of years back (this is the link to the original suggestion by Pawdrix and contains some great examples) rather than candid street photography?

Message edited by author 2013-07-03 16:05:27.
07/03/2013 05:18:13 PM · #5
I'm game as time allows...
How about not being real restrictive; anything that reflects a slice of life on the street... wehether Pawdrix style, bvy style...
07/03/2013 06:42:07 PM · #6
Originally posted by Leo:

I'm game as time allows...
How about not being real restrictive; anything that reflects a slice of life on the street... wehether Pawdrix style, bvy style...

That suits me fine, as I said, I have a personal challenge to overcome about taking photos of strangers.. but of cause, all street is totally fine :)
07/03/2013 06:58:02 PM · #7
I want to play..:)
07/04/2013 01:04:30 PM · #8
A bump
07/04/2013 02:02:50 PM · #9
A link to the ongoing street photo thread - active since 2010
07/04/2013 02:08:58 PM · #10
I'm in.
07/04/2013 02:17:11 PM · #11
If I am correct in assuming that this is not broadly street photography but engagement with strangers in the street, I would like to try. This seems to be for me a glass wall or even a mirror for me; attempts so far show my hesitation/uncertainty mirrored in the expression of the subject.
07/04/2013 02:47:21 PM · #12
Originally posted by tnun:

If I am correct in assuming that this is not broadly street photography but engagement with strangers in the street, I would like to try. This seems to be for me a glass wall or even a mirror for me; attempts so far show my hesitation/uncertainty mirrored in the expression of the subject.

Exactly, its more about photographing strangers in the street or anywhere really, just to get rid of the fear of approaching strangers and taking their picture..
07/04/2013 08:52:42 PM · #13

Street photography here in Delhi....... :(
07/04/2013 11:33:51 PM · #14
Hey guys heres some cool links on shooting pictures of strangers. Some pretty good tips.

The etiquette of photographing strangers
Photographing Strangers – by Carla Richmond
Photographing Strangers
Breaking Barriers: Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Photographing Strangers
07/05/2013 12:45:47 AM · #15
I'll try some if time allows
07/05/2013 04:49:28 AM · #16
Im heading into town today, so I suggest we start posting and whoever wishes to jump on the train... jump!

I will post what I get, if anything.
1 Tip I received was to dress smart and be assertive but not rude, offer them a card so they know you are at least a 'Photographer'.
07/05/2013 07:40:18 PM · #17
here we go this was the only guy i asked and he said "if ya want mate"

07/06/2013 12:41:03 PM · #18
This is a complete cheat because we exchanged no words.. and I had another person with a camera with me. I would not have taken this shot if I was alone to be honest. Would be too embarrassed to even try.

07/07/2013 02:22:51 AM · #19
Haven't had time yet to watch this video (it's nearly 2 hrs long) but thought it may be useful

Photographing strangers
07/07/2013 03:10:55 AM · #20
I'd love to take photos on the street but usually I'm too diffident and would rather be discreet/sneaky than rock up and ask someone. I might join in here if I can manage. Unfortunately my friends and family have no interest in joining me.
07/07/2013 03:59:07 AM · #21
They ain't no stranger
They are gitmos on hunger strike.
07/07/2013 11:17:53 AM · #22
Regarding street portraits, the timing is good. For all the candid work I do, I can count on one, maybe two hands, the times I've approached a stranger for a posed picture. And usually the results are unspectacular. That is, up until about a month ago. The Three Rivers Arts Festival held annually here in Pittsburgh provided a good relaxing atmosphere for me to step out of my comfort zone and approach people. Since then, I've hit a jazz festival, gay pride parade, car show, and the French Quarter. I'm still a bit uneasy, though, about approaching people out of context -- i.e. right off the street. But I think I'm loosening up a bit.

What I'm quickly learning is that being granted permission is the easy part. Once you and your subject are facing each other, the pressure's on. The simultaneous juggling of composition and engagement becomes the really hard part. I can pose my family, albeit begrudgingly, for minutes on end, and snap a dozen shots. With a stranger, you have to be quick and decisive.

The irony of all of this, and the reason I might not participate in a side challenge, is that I have yet to see any of the pictures I've taken. I'm shooting a lot of film lately, and I have a backlog to develop. But I'd be interested in discussing and commenting until I catch up.
07/13/2013 11:32:21 AM · #23
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