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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> In the Hall of the Mountain King (Halloween song)
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10/31/2022 06:47:29 PM · #1
Every year I want to create something cool for the Halloween night. This time I decided to make a new arrangement for the famous classical piece - In the Hall of the Mountain King by Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. My friend and professional guitarist, Miky Di Bono played his 8-string Jackson guitar and mixed the whole instruments. Creepy enough, weird enough, classical enough and heavy enough... I hope you can enjoy it as I did creating the whole stuff:

In the Hall of the Mountain King

Message edited by author 2022-10-31 18:50:06.
10/31/2022 07:30:29 PM · #2
10/31/2022 10:41:39 PM · #3
Spectactular, well done
11/01/2022 07:15:44 AM · #4
Very cool! Love the images on the video.
11/01/2022 07:36:50 AM · #5
Very nice, Alex. How did you create the images? There seems to be a mix of photos and graphics, did you compile the images from various sources? Which bits are your own? I like the collection a lot.
11/01/2022 07:51:08 AM · #6

Thanks everyone for kind words!

Originally posted by MargaretNet:

Very nice, Alex. How did you create the images? There seems to be a mix of photos and graphics, did you compile the images from various sources? Which bits are your own? I like the collection a lot.

Good question Margaret, because it's not so easy to get it. I used three different kind of images: first, of course, it's me playing my Roli Lumi Studio keyboard and they are 100% real, filmed with my Sony. Second there's stock footage. Third I generated 10 images with the articial intelligence (Midjourney). There are tons of layers for every image because I wanted to convey the same creepy feeling throught the video. I spent two entire days searching and generating images, one whole day to edit the video. Before that I arranged the music starting from the main piano midi track. For the musicians out there I used 20 different tracks, 15 starting from VST samples and the remianing 5 are from the 8 String Jackson Guitar played by my friend Miky (who mixed the piece). It took a couple of days.
11/01/2022 05:39:25 PM · #7
That's just terrific :-)
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