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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> compact flash cards?
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06/22/2004 04:19:30 AM · #1

I need some CF card to my Nikon D70 and not sure what to buy. Sandisk has these type I CF cards. Is there a great difference in data transfer rates between type I and II CF cards?

An alternative would be Transcend 45X CF-I cards? Sandisk seems to be more expensier but is it worth the extra money?

So hard to find proper info on this subject.
06/22/2004 04:25:39 AM · #2
Here's some info that my help:


Some good info and comparisons on those sites - you just have to know where to look :-)

Message edited by author 2004-06-22 04:25:57.
06/22/2004 04:26:25 AM · #3
Type I and II CF cards is realy only stateing the the size of the card.
But it is usually also saying that type II has a micro hard disk inside instead of flash memory. So type II usually costs more but is faster but is more fragile to bumps since it has moving parts.

The diffrence in transfer could depend on the camera or computer interface.
06/22/2004 04:26:55 AM · #4
Type II cards are generally MicroDrives. I've yet to see any solid state (IE. 'normal') flash cards that are type II.

The quote you give of "45X" is the transfer rate of the card. 45X is pretty fast. I'm not sure if the D70 can properly utilise this speed, but generally, the faster the better.
06/22/2004 04:42:01 AM · #5
I really don't like the idea of moving parts in my flash memory. I went with a lexar 40x, seems to work great, the 40x is faster than I'll ever need. (unless I upgrade my buffer, which isn't going to happen)

4x = 600KB/s
12x = 1.8MB/s
40x = 6.0MB/s

(says my box) :D

So I wouldn't overly worry about the speed, go for dependability, and quality, etc.

Just my $.02
06/22/2004 05:10:48 AM · #6
I've never been a fan of Type II cards with moving parts! I work in retail store and I've seen so many go faulty when they get knocked (and they do!). I prefer Sandisk Ultra II CF cards. Am using a 1 gig and it's been reliable. You can get cheaper but it's not always worth it.
06/22/2004 04:07:43 PM · #7
When I needed a new CF card, I looked around and found the IBM Microdrive to be cheaper per MB. I got a 512MB for $40 and I love it. I hardly use my other CF cards anymore.
06/22/2004 11:32:02 PM · #8
on eBay you can get a steal on the regular Sandisk cards. it's no 40x but they still write plenty fast in my d70. so if you need some space for cheap, you might wanna take a look there. just watch out for what some of the seller's charge to ship.
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