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DPChallenge Forums >> Welcome Center >> friends told me about this
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08/01/2017 06:36:38 PM · #1
Finally a friend of mine got me in. Let's see what I can do and how well I do.
08/01/2017 06:37:57 PM · #2
I guess being as member I can only vote in a non member challenge, anyway start from some where rather than no where.
08/01/2017 06:43:17 PM · #3
I just voted hands challenge and yes there are some amazing shots. Awesome!
08/01/2017 07:49:02 PM · #4
Welcome!! Glad you joined with us! A fun way to start of just to do the one month membership, just $5 and you can do everything!

Warning: once you get in, we never let you leave! Welcome to the mad house!
08/01/2017 07:52:40 PM · #5
Hi there! Yes, as a registered user you are limited in which challenges you can enter and vote on. If you want to try the "full experience" without making too much of a commitment you can try a one-month membership for $5.

When you enter your first challenge, make sure you read the rules (both the "Common" rules and those for the specific challenge), make sure your camera is set to the correct date/time, and never ever modify the original file from which you derive your entry.

We recommend using a card reader and the computer's native operating system to drag and drop the files to your hard drive; do not "import" or "transfer" the files using other software unless absolutely necessary, as this often corrupts the EXIF data and renders the image invalid in case it needs to be validated (mandatory for the top five finishers),
08/02/2017 08:34:09 AM · #6
What GeneralE said...though I'll add that lots of noobs seem to read the rules, but not understand them fully. Like when you submit an image for a challenge, please make sure that it actually was taken during the challenge dates, that there is no watermark or copyright on it etc.
08/02/2017 09:23:46 AM · #7
Originally posted by snaffles:

What GeneralE said...though I'll add that lots of noobs seem to read the rules, but not understand them fully.

Plus, we don't bite that hard... You can always ask if you're not sure... But don't ask me... Lol.
08/02/2017 10:54:55 AM · #8
Welcome! This is a great place to improve and learn.
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