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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Crazy Doll Lady vs. Something Awful
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 82, (reverse)
11/16/2006 01:52:07 PM · #51
"The thing about a shark, it's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a DOLL'S eyes. When it comes at you it doesn't seem to be livin'... Until he BITES you, and those black eyes roll over white."

Quint - Jaws

Sorry... couldn't resist!

Message edited by author 2006-11-16 13:53:08.
11/16/2006 02:01:34 PM · #52
Ah I came across this photo er.. retoucher? (butcherer more like it) a while ago. It's increadible that people actually pay to have their children's photos worked over like that AND even more so that there are online baby beauty contests that accept photos like those.

Just one big WTF really.
11/16/2006 02:10:47 PM · #53
Originally posted by Siggav:

Ah I came across this photo er.. retoucher? (butcherer more like it) a while ago. It's increadible that people actually pay to have their children's photos worked over like that AND even more so that there are online baby beauty contests that accept photos like those.

Just one big WTF really.

kinda agree in that what is the purpose of having a beauty contest if you can make the person look anyway they want? give me a couple of hours and i can make myslef look like the dude form prison break but what does it prove? and who the hell awards those photos ribbons when they have to know that no body actually has doll eyes.
11/16/2006 02:22:25 PM · #54
Originally posted by colyla:

ETA: Regarding OP original post....what lesson exactly? :)

Post Processing: This is what happens when software winds up in the hands of the insane.


Post Processing: Stop. It will eat your soul.


Copyright Infringement: Editing edited or previously edited images to depict an edited image of the edit.

Heaps more, but you get the drift ;)

11/16/2006 02:35:41 PM · #55
Originally posted by thegrandwazoo:

That is the funniest read ever! This line was my fav.

"Please inform me as to how to rectumfy this situation and we will work with your company to the best of our satisfaction."

That's too funny. I can't believe people pay for someone to butcher their kid photos.


Well, I've seen parents actually make their own little girls look like plastic dolls for pageants, which is wrong on so many levels so this doesn't surprise me. In fact, my gf who has done a lot of retouching over the years gets requests every now and then from customers who want their photos of daughters made to look like plastic dolls and they would use those very words to describe the effect they want. She always turns those down.

Message edited by author 2006-11-16 14:37:11.
11/17/2006 09:28:44 AM · #56
Am I off to say as horrendous as all of these are... This One is even more horrendous to me because she actually made this girl more white! She could have enhanced her beautiful dark tones and instead went the way of pastiness.

Color corrected and skin blended. Sure.
11/17/2006 10:17:38 AM · #57
Originally posted by escapetooz:

Am I off to say as horrendous as all of these are... This One is even more horrendous to me because she actually made this girl more white! She could have enhanced her beautiful dark tones and instead went the way of pastiness.

Color corrected and skin blended. Sure.

Run from the glowing alien eyes! She wants to abduct us! Run!
09/08/2010 08:03:37 PM · #58
Almost 4 years ago, and she's still at it. Kudos to her for perseverance! :-D


edit: Is it just me, or did she actually get better at that? Maybe she should just be overpriced crazy retouch lady now.

Message edited by author 2010-09-08 20:06:22.
09/08/2010 08:18:15 PM · #59
I was just thinking the same thing, I think she got a bit better. Not much but certainly an improvement on before!

actually until i got to the basic retouching, then ti goes bad again.

But this woman does has skills, good ones too, but it is just so over the top, it makes it terrible

Message edited by author 2010-09-08 20:22:27.
09/08/2010 08:31:04 PM · #60
Originally posted by david_c:

edit: Is it just me, or did she actually get better at that?


09/08/2010 08:47:48 PM · #61
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Originally posted by david_c:

edit: Is it just me, or did she actually get better at that?




09/08/2010 08:51:09 PM · #62
Looks like she just got better at sucking to me.
09/08/2010 08:52:44 PM · #63
She did ok for me back in '07. Removed some wrinkles and made me look less angry. I took runner up in the Little Miss Congeniality pageant.
09/08/2010 08:54:47 PM · #64
Botox would work wonders!!! herhehe

Actually, she did get better, I dunno if you remember her original site, but OOOOOOOOOOOMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGgggggggggg, so in some aspects she has actually pulled back her retouching a LOT some of the pictures now, really could pass off as human

09/08/2010 08:58:27 PM · #65
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Looks like she just got better at sucking to me.

Pretty much, but at least she isn't turning little black girls in to little white girls and calling them "enhanced" any more.
09/08/2010 09:09:10 PM · #66
Originally posted by Bear_Music:


Ooooooh me gawd, that is so horrid!
09/08/2010 09:25:40 PM · #67
Haha, I remember this being posted a while ago.
09/08/2010 10:15:50 PM · #68
OMG...where's the eyewash station?! Can't...get...those...EYES...out...of...my...head...
09/09/2010 01:55:23 AM · #69
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

She did ok for me back in '07. Removed some wrinkles and made me look less angry. I took runner up in the Little Miss Congeniality pageant.

Wow! Can I get your number?
09/09/2010 03:29:50 AM · #70
Bad as Crazy Doll Lady is or used to be, my general opinion of pageants isn't far behind my opinion of her.
09/09/2010 05:58:28 AM · #71
I'm not sure if it makes it better or worse to me that these pageant photos are largely fake. On the one hand, it means that those kids don't ACTUALLY look like dolls. On the other hand, it means that the whole thing is even more synthetic than I thought it was...
pageant people give me the heebie geebies.
09/09/2010 06:34:28 AM · #72
Originally posted by spiritualspatula:

I'm not sure if it makes it better or worse to me that these pageant photos are largely fake. On the one hand, it means that those kids don't ACTUALLY look like dolls. On the other hand, it means that the whole thing is even more synthetic than I thought it was...
pageant people give me the heebie geebies.

*applauding* Exactly. She's only catering to a market that already exists, which definitely scores high on the creep-o-meter. And people wonder why society is as hypersexualized as it is...*sigh*
09/09/2010 06:41:46 AM · #73
Originally posted by snaffles:

as hypersexualized as it is...*sigh*


09/09/2010 06:50:04 AM · #74
Originally posted by spiritualspatula:

Originally posted by snaffles:

as hypersexualized as it is...*sigh*



*eyeroll* Hey, at least I'm an adult and doing it of my own free will! I guess some of those kids actually do pageants because they enjoy them. But can't help but wonder how many do it just to please their parents.
09/09/2010 07:02:33 AM · #75
Yeah, just couldn't pass up the opportunity.
Honestly, it reminds me a lot of dog shows, which I find quasi-disturbing as well. Another planet, and I find it belittling and somewhat twisted to parade animals around in that fashion. I feel the same way about children. It really objectifies them.
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