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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> Shuttle Launch - March 11th PM
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03/08/2009 07:44:35 PM · #1
Ok, the next shuttle launch is this Wednesday, the 11th, at 9:20 PM.

Anybody want to meet up? Location TBD:
03/08/2009 08:01:29 PM · #2
Im sorry, but what is TBD?

To Be Denounced?

To Be Deported?

To Be Dreaded!

03/08/2009 09:52:56 PM · #3
TBD= To Be Determined
03/08/2009 09:55:40 PM · #4
Glad to hear they are not scrapping the shuttle program, or at least temporarily due to the space debris from the satellite crash/accident. Go get some pics, them shuttles are goin to be retired soon ! I need to get to Florida...
03/09/2009 01:22:30 AM · #5
I am definitely gonna be watching. I have no idea where or how, but willing to meet up with anyone!
03/09/2009 06:10:06 AM · #6
Originally posted by lunachicken:

I am definitely gonna be watching. I have no idea where or how, but willing to meet up with anyone!

Anyone? Nobody wants to meet up with Anybody.

Maybe the four of you could go to the shuttle launch together ;)

Message edited by author 2009-03-09 06:10:49.
03/09/2009 06:28:52 AM · #7
I so wanna go to a launch ... bit far to travel though!!
03/09/2009 06:32:07 AM · #8
So that means Nobody, anyone, anybody and Lunachicken? Sounds like a vaudeville act... :)
03/09/2009 08:29:19 AM · #9
I'm probably going back out to the Oakridge Blvd Bridge in Daytona, there are usually 2 or 3 others there as well. The problem with that location is you need to have about a 2 min exposure time or be able to overlay 4 30 sec images to get something. There is parking near the bridge on E Mason Ave, either along the street or in the parking lot(don't forget to lock your doors) and it's a easy walk on sidewalks the entire way.
I usually try to get there about 30 to 45 min early to give myself plenty of time to set up and take some test shots.

I'm wide open to other ideas, but this has been the best place I’ve found so far for a night launch. Of course I didn't find it, Nigel Cook did and I'm just copying his work!

03/09/2009 11:23:29 AM · #10
Hey Sam! I'm gonna try to catch the launch from home since its kinda late. You're welcome to come to GCS and shoot with me.... I'll make the martinis. :D

03/09/2009 11:31:21 AM · #11
Can anyone do a rain dance or something and delay it a couple days?
I'll be in the Sebastian & Vero Beach area on the 14th, 15th & 16th and sure would like to see it.
03/09/2009 11:40:34 AM · #12
Originally posted by Brad:

Can anyone do a rain dance or something and delay it a couple days?
I'll be in the Sebastian & Vero Beach area on the 14th, 15th & 16th and sure would like to see it.

Brad, there are some obvious major flaws in your travel plans. Wrong cities, wrong dates. How can I shoot with you if you don't come near Jax? Hmmmmmmm?
03/11/2009 12:16:47 PM · #13
Originally posted by idnic:

Hey Sam! I'm gonna try to catch the launch from home since its kinda late. You're welcome to come to GCS and shoot with me.... I'll make the martinis. :D

I'm going to head down. There are only 9 or 10 more, and I haven't seen one up close yet. I guess there's one benefit to having been laid off - I'm not worried about getting up the next morning!
03/11/2009 12:29:53 PM · #14
I would absolutly love to wittness a shuttle launch, but living in Chicago kinda puts me far away... =(

The final servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope is STS-125 on May 11th, 2009 (NET May 12, 2009, approx. 1:11 p.m. EDT [1711 UTC]). I would very much like to see this final glorious mission to an instrument of great achievement in space exploration.
03/11/2009 12:54:10 PM · #15
Originally posted by Nobody:

There are only 9 or 10 more, and I haven't seen one up close yet.

You certainly won't regret it! I was certainly among the most awe-inspiring, incredible things I have ever witnessed. I'll look forward to seeing your pictures! I'll be glued to CNN...
03/11/2009 01:11:43 PM · #16
Originally posted by Nobody:

Originally posted by idnic:

Hey Sam! I'm gonna try to catch the launch from home since its kinda late. You're welcome to come to GCS and shoot with me.... I'll make the martinis. :D

I'm going to head down. There are only 9 or 10 more, and I haven't seen one up close yet. I guess there's one benefit to having been laid off - I'm not worried about getting up the next morning!

Lucky duck. :D
03/11/2009 03:24:39 PM · #17
03/11/2009 08:10:28 PM · #18
I was well on my way down when my wife called to give me the news. A couple of hours in the car wasted (counting down and back). I had pulled my 9th grader out of school early to go too.

We ended up going by Fort Matansas as a poor substitute outing.
03/11/2009 08:45:08 PM · #19
It looks like it is rescheduled for Sunday...

03/11/2009 10:17:33 PM · #20
Talked to someone who claimed to work there at a resteraunt near there tonight, said tomorrow is looking very doubtful as well. Too bad I leave Friday heh.
03/11/2009 10:26:17 PM · #21
Originally posted by Nobody:

I was well on my way down when my wife called to give me the news. A couple of hours in the car wasted (counting down and back). I had pulled my 9th grader out of school early to go too.

We ended up going by Fort Matansas as a poor substitute outing.

Sorry about the bad luck. Maybe you can catch it Sunday? Shame, though. With the full moon and perfect clear sky, I was sure tonight would be the best launch shots ever. Now we'll never know. :/

03/11/2009 10:50:07 PM · #22
Of course, just after sunset might provide a good opportunity, too--heard it's rescheduled for Sunday, early evening.
03/12/2009 12:03:36 AM · #23
I heard if they don't launch by Monday, they won't be able to until April because Russia is sending a crew to the space station in a couple weeks.

I don't want to jinx Sunday, but I'm hoping for an April 2-10 launch because I will be in Florida then and definitely would drive (from Sarasota area) to see a launch.
03/12/2009 08:35:05 PM · #24
right now the launch is scheduled for Mar 15 7:43 PM...my husband and I will be camping at Jetty Park near the launch (just south)...we will be in site #90...if anyone wants to stop by...but as you know...the launch is subject to change...but I am really hoping this is a go...will welcome anyone that shows up...would love to meet you..
03/12/2009 09:17:59 PM · #25
Jetty Park should be a great vantage point for it! When I went to see a shuttle launch in 2000, they postponed the launch a day because they were also trying to launch another craft (I forget what it was exactly). I went to Jetty Park to see that launch, and we had a great view of the rocket from the pier.

Unfortunately they scrubbed that launch, but it was fun to mingle with some of the space buffs that were there. A lot of people had some sort of special radio that allowed them to hear the KSC chatter. They were the only ones who knew what was going on with the countdown (and the various delays), so they were good sources of information.

I'd try to secure a spot on the pier pretty early if I were you (assuming that's where you want to see it). I'll bet it gets filled up really quick!

Originally posted by Ja-9:

my husband and I will be camping at Jetty Park near the launch
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