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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Boycott DELL
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12/22/2007 05:50:12 PM · #1
I just had the absolute worst experience with customer service from a company. It was so bad I have to talk about it. By the way, I only own Dell computers. I recommended them at my workplace and we have over 500 of them there and close to 100 Dell servers. I myself have 4 in the house. A few older desktops, and 2 notebooks.

My daughter, who is 10 years old, really wanted a notebook computer. I made a deal with her. I said if she got all "A"s for the 1st 2 marking periods, I would get her a notebook. She wanted a PINK DELL notebook. She saw a commercial and has a problem with pink. I agreed. After a perfect 1st quarter, she really started reminding me of the deal. I am very pround of my daughter and told her that I would get it for Christmas because the report cards wouldn't be out until sometime in January, but I could check online and make sure everything is all As.

On December 5th I placed an order for an Inspiron 1501 pink notebook computer. I found some online coupons and was able to get it about $50 cheaper if I added an extra Gig of RAM. I made no other changes to the order other than Pink and 2 GIG of RAM.

On December 6th I got a comfirmation email saying the computer would be shipped out on December 20th, and I should expect delivery on December 26th. I thought that was no good. I went online to check my order and couldn't find a way to upgrade the shipping method so I contacted Dell with the their chat service. The representative understood my issue and upgraded the shipping method to overnight. He did it for free. The next day when I looked at the order it said, shipping date the 20th, expect it on the 21st. I thought I was in good shape.

On December 10th, I get an email from Dell asking me to complete a survey on my recent customer service experience. At that time I was very happy with the free uprade in shipping. I, didn't fill out the survey because I thought I would wait until the computer came.

On December 11th, I get an email from Dell telling me that if I order any of select systems, then they would be shipped the next day for free. I ignore the email because, I already got one coming.

On December 13th, I get a reminder email about the survey on my customer service experience. I checked the website on my order and everything still looked ok. Ship date Dec 20th, expected delivery date 21st.

On December 15the and December 17th, I get 2 more promotional emails from Dell about getting systems right in time for Christmas. The catch was they had to be ordered before noon on December 20th at 3pm. The email on the 17th boldly states this is the last date you can guarantee your computer for Christmas. I again, ignore it because I already have one coming.

On December 20th at 1pm I get an email saying my order was delayed and would not be shipped until Jan 02 '08. I was at work and didn't get to check my email until I got home at 4:30pm EST. (3:30pm CST) I was took late to order a different one. I call Dell. After being on hold for a half hour and trying all menu options to get a person, I hang up and try again. This time it wasn't even 10 seconds before I got a clear speaking individual on the phone. After me explaining all of this, the worker seemed saddened that my daughther would not get a computer on Christmas. At this point I tried for anything, even if it wasn't pink. She told me that she would FedEx 2 different cards with her name right on it saying that a special computer was being built for her. I didn't like it, but really didn't have a choice. I could have cancelled my order. I hang up and was acually upset because there are so many things going wrong in my personal life. (relative sick and recent deaths of close family members) And, I am not coming through for my 10 year old daughter who did get all As. But at least the pink notebook computer will arrive right after new years day. I checked the website and the dates were there.

On Friday, December 21st, I get an email saying my order was cancelled. I see it, and I am amazed. There was no reason for the cancellation. It just said cancelled and the date. I call Dell again. This time, I was getting through to people, but had to give up and call back. I only speak english. I guess that's my fault. The accents were so thick that I couldn't understand anything. After 3 calls, I get a person that I can understand. They told me there were unable to tell me why my order was cancelled, but told me that I could reinstate it. I would have had to be transferred to another place to find out that reason. I said to reinstate the order, and then the Dell guy said that my coupon code wouldn't work, so the computer would cost me $300 more. Plus there was a backorder and didn't think I would get it until Feb. 2008. I told him to forget it and hung up. I was really mad at this point.

Today. I run out shopping to get some last minute things and try to find a pink one. Well, the traffic is terrible. While I am out, my cell phone rings and it's my daughter. She got a package from FedEx and opened it. There were 2 cards from Dell saying that her computer is on the way. She was so happy. When I got home I had to sit her down and talk to her and explain everything. I am really mad.

Please Boycott Dell. They are now too big to offer decent customer service. I promise I will never make a purchase from Dell ever again. I hope others will do the same. I am going to spend some time next week at work to shop for alternate brands for my company.

I almost feel that this could make a fun legal battle. Talk about heartache and problems. It was a simple online order.

Boycott DELL. Who is with me?!!!!!!!

Message edited by author 2007-12-22 17:55:47.
12/22/2007 05:57:36 PM · #2
While I'm very sorry that you've had a bad experience, Tony and I totally understand why you would be upset.... I don't see, however, why you would expect everyone else in the universe to boycott them in vigil to your singular experience. You yourself said that you've purchased from them before... many times. I assume you did not have the same experience in the past or you would not have continued to order from the, right? Production and shipping around the holidays must be insane for them. While I too would be upset, I wouldn't recommend killing their company over it. Smile, its Christmas. :)
12/22/2007 06:05:35 PM · #3
Call and ask to speak to a manager. When the guy told you that your coupon code wouldn't work, that would have been the time I asked to speak to a manager. If that manager can't help you, speak to their manager. The point here is, don't stop until you are satisfied. If all else fails, write letters (they HATE that) to the president of the company explaining all of your frustration and what happened. Dell isn't known for their customer service for nothing. Call again. and again. and again...
12/22/2007 06:06:49 PM · #4
That is enough of a reason for me and I feel I have a right to vent about it in a Rant section of a forum. About Dell, I have had poor customer service with them before, but it really wasn't horrific service. Just slow deliveries, wrong items shipped, the regular. I don't expect anyone to follow me in this, but I hope they do.

This time, it was person. It was promises made to me by employees of Dell. It was like a roller coaster ride. It's a computer. Put it in a box and ship it. It's almost as if they timed everything to make it as stressful as possible.

Maybe this same thing happened to other people too this Christmas and a few of them will read this and say, they did it to him, and me and they will come forward.

Now that Dell computers are avaialable in WalMart and Staples...I but their quality and customer service will go downhill really fast.

12/22/2007 06:07:05 PM · #5
Certainly a very well organized and articulated account, Tony. I empathize as well. I am battling several vendors lately on stooooopid issues that are costing me more in time than they are worth. But I acknowledge that this is a bad time of the year for them (from a customer service perspective anyway). I do agree with Cindi though - it sucks but it's one bad experience of how many? Granted a REALLY bad experience.

Take a deep breath and don't let it ruin what's really important about the season. But I would go ahead and copy / paste your account in a letter to the VP of Customer Service at Dell. Nothing may come of it, but you never know.

Merry Christmas to you and I hope things improve all the way around for ya. :)
12/22/2007 06:07:41 PM · #6
Originally posted by TCGuru:

Call and ask to speak to a manager. When the guy told you that your coupon code wouldn't work, that would have been the time I asked to speak to a manager. If that manager can't help you, speak to their manager. The point here is, don't stop until you are satisfied. If all else fails, write letters (they HATE that) to the president of the company explaining all of your frustration and what happened. Dell isn't known for their customer service for nothing. Call again. and again. and again...

I tried to talk to other people there. Supervisors, managers. They told me that it's not setup that way. I even called the Sales Rep for our company purchases and he told me that he couldn't do anything because that's the 'home computers' and he is in the 'business computers' and they are like seperate companies.

Message edited by author 2007-12-22 18:08:41.
12/22/2007 06:12:50 PM · #7
No problem from me. I buy Sony! there Vaio's are A+ in my opinion
12/22/2007 06:17:03 PM · #8
It's so great that you have a daughter who got straight A's, I'd be really proud too!

Maybe it would be fun to take her to a retail outlet somewhere and let her pick out a laptop. Not as good in price/performance, but hey, straight A's.

I'd forget about deliveries for now. You can't really rely on anybody but yourself. I'm sorry about your strife. I've got a nine year old and know how tough it is when you think you've disappointed her. Just know she loves you no matter what!
12/22/2007 06:24:37 PM · #9
Originally posted by TonyT:

Originally posted by TCGuru:

Call and ask to speak to a manager. When the guy told you that your coupon code wouldn't work, that would have been the time I asked to speak to a manager. If that manager can't help you, speak to their manager. The point here is, don't stop until you are satisfied. If all else fails, write letters (they HATE that) to the president of the company explaining all of your frustration and what happened. Dell isn't known for their customer service for nothing. Call again. and again. and again...

I tried to talk to other people there. Supervisors, managers. They told me that it's not setup that way. I even called the Sales Rep for our company purchases and he told me that he couldn't do anything because that's the 'home computers' and he is in the 'business computers' and they are like separate companies.

I have worked in many many call centers and I ASSURE you, there is someone there that is OVER the person you are talking to. And, there is someone OVER them. If there wasn't, how could they make sure everyone showed up for work? Someone just didn't want to get into trouble. Seriously, don't give up if you are really that upset. Demand satisfaction. If one rep won't help you, call back and get another one. Then, if you get a feeling something is fishy about the attitude of the person on the other end of the phone, order a copy of the notes on your account. You have a legal right to them. If they have put any defamatory crap in there, you have a case. Just an FYI.
12/22/2007 06:28:01 PM · #10
Originally posted by TCGuru:

I have worked in many many call centers...

Go JoJo! I think you should start a business handling customer service issues on behalf of customers. Seriously! I'd pay you to chew the heads off a few CS reps! :)
12/22/2007 06:33:41 PM · #11
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Originally posted by TCGuru:

I have worked in many many call centers...

Go JoJo! I think you should start a business handling customer service issues on behalf of customers. Seriously! I'd pay you to chew the heads off a few CS reps! :)

I could probably do that... surprisingly enough... when I worked for the BIG company that I worked for, I had more awards hanging than anyone :) Something I am quite proud of. The point is, eventually you run into someone who will stop at nothing to make sure you are happy. They ARE out there, you just gotta find em :)
12/22/2007 06:54:35 PM · #12
Originally posted by TonyT:

Boycott DELL. Who is with me?!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear about your problems but I can't say I'm with you on this. I've been using Dell for 15 years now and can't say I've had any problems with them. Oh and I'm not just saying this because they are a client of mine. :)
12/22/2007 07:19:06 PM · #13
You see...I am using a Dell right now and will continue. I am in the IT department at work, and recommended Dell. We have contracts setup, employee purchasing programs, everything. We literally get regular shipments of computers becausing we are a growing company. We depend on Dell.

My problem is personal. It affected me and my family. And they sent a FedEx addressed to my daughter. It was supposed to go to me. Two holiday cards were supposed to go to me, so I could choose which one to give her. Now she doesn't believe in Santa anymore and hasn't for a long time, but talk about ruining a Christmas surprise. She didn't know it was coming on Christmas. Dell told her. But...the order was 'mysteriously' cancelled. So, now it's not coming.

I know millions of Dells will reach their destinations before xmas.

I just think that this situation is realy bad, on so many levels. This giany company broke the heart of a 10 year old little girl. And it's my little girl. I see a movie in this.

Message edited by author 2007-12-22 19:20:33.
12/22/2007 07:51:27 PM · #14
Screw Dell and their little dog too. I work at a PC repair/service center part time as a tech and the ammount of Dell machines we get in is a joke. they have a great system now that has only USB ports no PS2 or serial ports at all, so basically when the USB fails you have to throw it in the bin. do yourself a favour throw it in the bin first and save us the job.

Dell SUX!
12/23/2007 01:07:10 PM · #15
I too work in the IT field and have had the pleasure of dealing with many companies including dell. I feel your frustration and understand your delima, but think your best option now is to right the BBB and get them involved. NO company likes this and they will react very fast when they are being targeted by the BBB. While this will not solve your delima before Christmas it will be the most effective means of getting a resolution. Oh and BTW those colored Dells Suck go by a macbook she will be more happy..
12/23/2007 03:03:00 PM · #16
I hear more and more Dell horror stories lately... On the plus side though, i know two people that received double shipments from Dell, so maybe you'll get lucky if you fight to get your original order?

Just a rumor, but I've heard people get results emailing their horror stories to Michael@dell.com ??? Can't hurt?

Good luck! don't let it ruin the holidays or your daughter's accomplishment though. Eventually things will work out.
12/23/2007 04:23:54 PM · #17
I had a bad experience with them the one and only time I tried to buy anything (a 30D).
I ended having the credit card company get involved.

I won't deal with them again. I don't recomend them.

Sorry to hear about your experience.
12/23/2007 08:24:28 PM · #18
Originally posted by LoudDog:

I hear more and more Dell horror stories lately... On the plus side though, i know two people that received double shipments from Dell, so maybe you'll get lucky if you fight to get your original order?

Just a rumor, but I've heard people get results emailing their horror stories to Michael@dell.com ??? Can't hurt?

Good luck! don't let it ruin the holidays or your daughter's accomplishment though. Eventually things will work out.

Well, the e-mails to that addy don't bounce :) Let's see what happens!! AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
12/23/2007 08:25:46 PM · #19
My girlfriend had a very similar experience with the thick accented customer service people. It takes twice as long when you have to have everything repeated.

But I just buy Mac. No problems here at all!!
12/23/2007 09:14:06 PM · #20
Sorry about your mixup with DELL. Not boycotting them now or anytime soon.
12/23/2007 09:32:10 PM · #21
On a side note, if you have a tough time with accents from call centres on the other side of the world, I avoid them by selecting the French option at the start of the call, as I'm in Canada. I suppose you Yankees might have a Spanish option.

Though I'm not fluent in French, I know enough to avoid being shot by a farmer while trespassing (another story). And when I get to the live reps, they seem happy enough to speak english to me. Maybe the same for you yanks with the Spanish? I find the reps in the western hemisphere are willing to skip the steps on their numbered sheet and listen to me.
12/23/2007 09:42:22 PM · #22
I already boycott Dell. Poor customer service, even for their technicians, which I used to be one. Most of their parts (even power supplies) are proprietary and cost at least double what they should.

Tony, hate to hear about what happened. That completely sucks for both you and your daughter.

Aside from that, hope you have a happy(er) holidays.
12/23/2007 11:36:16 PM · #23
I too have had abysmal experiences with Dell and the Gawd-awful SPAM that gets generated if you're foolish enough to give them an e-mail addy. They really don't seem to have people who know much, or care, in their customer service department, and that's the main reason I won't buy from them. I tried to get the info to build my "Custom Dell" and it was pathetic. It took almost three hours and the people I talked to knew nothing. All I wanted was something that would run Office and CS3 FAST, and they couldn't seem to get me the info or answer my questions.

I tremble at the thought of having to get help from them AFTER they have my money!
12/24/2007 12:11:45 AM · #24

Sorry to hear about your nasty experience with Dell. I was growling too before I got to the end of the original post.
I have had my Mac G5 for over 3 years now, and so far haven't had to call anyone about anything to do with it, except to make sure that the extra RAM cards from eBay would work right.
Love my Mac.
: P Dell, Dude.
12/24/2007 12:35:10 AM · #25
Horrible story, Tony, and the person I'm least impressed with is your office Dell rep. "I can't help, it's like two separate companies." Sorry, dude, but it's one company, one name, and if I were him, I would worry about my account at a growing company where one of the employees ordered something "from the consumer side" and this happened to him. Sounds like it's not just your call center folks who need some help in understanding customer service (at the least, he should have been able to get someone decent from home customer service on the phone, and he should have done that).
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