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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> D80 question
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12/19/2007 10:49:21 AM · #1
i currently have a d70 and it has been working great for me...but ive been thinking about selling it and buying a d80..Is it worth it? or should i just stay with my d70?

12/19/2007 11:17:16 AM · #2
I had a D70s and replaced it with the D80 when it came out. I'm very happy with the D80, more than I was with the D70s that's for sure. One of the things you have to keep in mind is that the D80 runs on SD cards so all your CF cards become useless and also the batteries are different.

If I was gonna upgrade from a D70 today, I would look into the new D300 has it would be a bigger step and perhaps justify the upgrade a little better. But hey, the D300 is twice the weight of the D80 too so if that's a concern to you too, the D80 is a very good choice.

That's my 2cents
12/19/2007 11:20:56 AM · #3
The current firmware for the D70 gives all the software changes (mostly limited to updated AF code). Otherwise the only differences are the LCD, wired remote and the wider flash coverage on the popup (18mm instead of 20mm). CR2 battery holder was just an accessory option.

also, using the D80 would be the poor Viewfinder on the D70/70s, and even more importantly, if using as a backup to your D80, the different (CF) memory card.

hoe that helps -


12/19/2007 11:41:11 AM · #4
thanks for the helps guys..yea i did notice the difference in card and battery, but other than that there didnt seem to be any dramatic changes that would want me to buy it immidiatly..but still theres always that factor that ill be having a new camera again after id had my d70 for 3 years
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