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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Kitty Accident :*(
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10/11/2006 09:06:33 PM · #1
Please wish, hope, pray... whatever it is that you do :).... for my kitty Cymba.

About 2 weeks ago my dad was leaving for work and pushed the garage door closed. The garage door had been open all morning and he didn't realize that Cymba had climbed up on top of the door and was takin' a little cat nap. When he closed the door she slid down the front and got caught... her body hanging on the outside of the door and her head on the inside. My dad had already pulled out of the driveway and had no idea this had happened. She was like that for about an hour until our housekeeper came and found her... without thinking, she pushed the garage door open and Cymba fell straight to the ground. She called my mom and my mom rushed home and took her to the vet.

Since then, Cymba has recovered from the shock and exhaustion of the whole episode but there is serious nerve damage in her back legs... she is not able to lift her legs when she walks, they just drag. The right leg is worst than the left and the vet has already confirmed that it will have to be amputated. Unfortunately, if the left leg does not significantly improve then it would have to be amputated as well.... which really is no way for a cat to live... especially a cat who thrives on chasing birds and galavanting around on our five acres.

SOOOO... I ask that you please think very good thoughts for her and that she recovers ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's a pretty tough cookie... so her strength combined with your optimistic wishes and prayers will do wonders!!!

Thanks so much!!
10/11/2006 09:08:07 PM · #2
shes im my thoughts. (hug)
10/11/2006 09:08:50 PM · #3
*hugzzz Ya got me good juju
10/11/2006 09:09:20 PM · #4
my thoughts are with you guys too
10/11/2006 09:12:07 PM · #5
Hugs and good energy to both Cymba and your family.
10/11/2006 09:12:22 PM · #6
Oh Shannon,
Soooo sorry:(
That's a terrible tragedy for you and your beautiful kitty.

All of my thoughts and prayers are directed towards her right now.
10/11/2006 09:12:57 PM · #7
O poor kitty. It's gotta be tough on you too. Your in my thoughts and prayers!
10/11/2006 09:13:08 PM · #8
I'm so sorry :( I know that she's more than a pet, she's a family member. My thoughts are with you all.
10/11/2006 09:14:37 PM · #9
Oh noooooooo!!!
10/11/2006 09:15:23 PM · #10
OMG - how tragic! My thoughts are with you and Cymba
10/11/2006 09:16:41 PM · #11
OH NO!!! I'm so sorry to hear (read) that. Wow, that's heavy. Of course, my thoughts and wishes go to all of you. I hope she gets better soon!

Message edited by author 2006-10-11 21:20:06.
10/11/2006 09:18:32 PM · #12
oh man, that's a sad sad story....

i am not a cat lover...but booo hoooo....that's so sad...
10/11/2006 09:22:03 PM · #13
thank you all soooo much!!! i will be sure to keep you updated on her progress. i hope my little girl's gonna be ok :) thanks again!
10/11/2006 09:33:28 PM · #14
Prayers are with your kitty. In a worse case, I've seen the wheel chairs they give to doggies... I haven't seen it done for a cat, but it may be an option.
10/11/2006 09:37:43 PM · #15
I hope he gets better very soon
10/11/2006 09:40:03 PM · #16
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Prayers are with your kitty. In a worse case, I've seen the wheel chairs they give to doggies... I haven't seen it done for a cat, but it may be an option.

I was thinking the same thing. Actually, it would be easy to design something out of inexpensive materials. Let's just hope it's not neccessary.
10/11/2006 09:44:40 PM · #17
The good thing is, she is still with you!
I'm so sorry to hear her sad story though. I send hope that she gets well soooooooon. :)
10/13/2006 01:53:14 PM · #18

..sad warning..

Well, our Cymmy girl has grown terribly weak in the last few days. We were thinking about going through with the amputations because we love her so dearly and want so much to keep her with us... but i think this sudden turn for the worse is her way of telling us that this is her time to go. Her wild spirit and active lifestyle is not fit for only two legs. It's time to set that spirit freeeeeeee!! She will forever be in our hearts as the kitty's meow you could hear from a mile away... the kitty who refused any kind of cat food except for "Friskies White Ocean Prime Filet Tuna"...... the kitty who would dissapear for days at a time on little adventures and come running down our back road one morning with the pride of a lioness!!!..... the kitty who would sneak into my bedroom and snuggle up on my bed on a cold rainy night even though she knew she wasn't supposed to..... and i'd let her stay :) :)


Message edited by author 2006-10-13 14:00:53.
10/13/2006 01:55:58 PM · #19
I'm so sorry to hear that.
you are in my thought. :(

10/13/2006 01:56:51 PM · #20
That Really Sucks! I'm sorry to hear that i hope evrything goes well. =) and keep your head up =)

10/13/2006 02:06:19 PM · #21
oh no. I'm so sorry hun.
10/13/2006 02:10:20 PM · #22
My heartfelt condolences. What a beautiful tribute you have written for her. Kitty Heaven will be a better place upon her arrival.
10/13/2006 02:13:22 PM · #23
very sorry to hear that:(
10/13/2006 02:14:56 PM · #24
10/13/2006 02:17:29 PM · #25
You and your kitty are in my thoughts.
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