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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> YOUR personal fav in YOUR gallery
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 79, (reverse)
09/23/2005 01:40:46 AM · #1
Sorry if there is already a thread like this but I need to know how people feel about their own work. It does not have to be the highest rated but the picture YOU personally like the best in your portfolio, a small explanation as to WHY would be nice too.... I'll start

I like this shot best bevause I remember the evening well, I was together with my girlfriend as we watched the sun go down behind Tokyo, it's not tech-perfect but it holds good memories for me. actually it was hard to choose 1 picture only.
09/23/2005 01:49:17 AM · #2
At the moment it is this one. I have always wanted to photograph this street because it is just stunning. The one and only time i finally go down there (it is about 1 hour away) and the leaves are all gone. :) It is usually filled with a beautiful green canopy. I will be going back in a few weeks when all the leaves are back. It is just gorgeous.

09/23/2005 01:51:32 AM · #3

Sat in a swamp that was rather odiferous, killed a great number of bugs and dragged out at least 20 lbs of mud on my waders. Got this shot.....and it was worth it.
09/23/2005 01:52:10 AM · #4
Originally posted by Ivo:

Sat in a swamp that was rather odiferous, killed a great number of bugs and dragged out at least 20 lbs of mud on my waders. Got this shot.....and it was worth it.

very very nice :)
09/23/2005 01:52:42 AM · #5
yours is also gorgeous marac :)
09/23/2005 01:53:31 AM · #6
Right now, I'd go with this one:

I just spent last weekend in Seattle. Went up for the Marillion show and to visit family. Good times.
09/23/2005 01:58:47 AM · #7
09/23/2005 01:59:53 AM · #8

Here is mine, taken with a 10.5mm fisheye lens.
09/23/2005 02:03:27 AM · #9

This was the last challenge I entered. I like it because it is the exact type of bird shot I have always tried to capture, no motion blur and the bird looks still.
09/23/2005 02:06:44 AM · #10

I would say this one because I really had a vision from conception to end, and I was able to really get what I aimed for. It was also a shot where I had something to say, not just a 'purdy picher' :-) And from a lot of the comments it received, it seems I communicated well with a lot of viewers, and evoked the kind of feelings I was intending. It's the kind of thing I would like to do more often. I did go into that territory with my 'shoes' challenge entry also.

Message edited by author 2005-09-23 02:07:07.
09/23/2005 02:18:04 AM · #11


09/23/2005 02:22:31 AM · #12
Without a doubt it is this one:

I have a slightly better post-processed version hanging on the wall where the eyes are more prominent and the little green patch in the top left corner is gone.
09/23/2005 02:31:03 AM · #13
09/23/2005 02:47:37 AM · #14

This took a lot of work to get ready to submit. There was many problems I had to confront to get this look.

It was the most challenging to work on and it scored pretty high. So I got a decent reward for my efforts.
09/23/2005 02:54:34 AM · #15

This one. Allthough it got some bad reviews at the club, I like it.
09/23/2005 02:58:37 AM · #16

I just felt like this was a really cool picture and was very proud i took it.
09/23/2005 03:01:39 AM · #17

I dunno why I like this one so much, I think techincally it must be the contrasting textures. The fact that it was "found" like that (it's totally unedited), I dunno, something neat about interperating a real life scene that, when you first saw it, evoked a previously unfelt emotion, you kind of preserve that emotion through the photography.
We bumped up the contrast and got this one printed...looks amazing big. Everyone stops to ask if it's a painting. Too bad the stupid framing people framed it upside down! Haha- still looks good though.
09/23/2005 03:03:32 AM · #18
To me the nicest one of about 50 shots taken at a waterhole in Kgalagadi Conservation Park, South Africa.
09/23/2005 03:11:58 AM · #19

09/23/2005 03:39:31 AM · #20

Was surprised on how this one turned out, took it through glass. Taken at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, unfortunately didn't take down what kind of lizard this is.
09/23/2005 03:44:27 AM · #21
09/23/2005 03:58:24 AM · #22

I love this shot of my son. Anyone want to comment on how it could be improved?
09/23/2005 03:59:02 AM · #23
didn't work, sorry
09/23/2005 04:08:22 AM · #24

This is one of my favorite set-up shots, even though it didn't fit the challenge, I love the way the colors and DOF came out.

Non Challenge:

This is my first shot that I ever thought was really good, and didn't hardly have to do any PP on. Levels only, not even any saturation.
09/23/2005 05:30:53 AM · #25
My first "Judges Choice" in a photo contest, Professional Division. I have worked hard for several years to create images of horses that could consistantly compete with the many exceptional photos in more general topics. I just might be getting somewhere now!

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