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Registered UserTJinGuy

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Comments Made by TJinGuy
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Showing 1 - 10 of ~356
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Night Flight
03/13/2014 12:55:55 AM
Night Flight2nd Place
by Cory

Very cool Cory, nice work!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Standing Guard
03/08/2014 11:30:10 AM
Standing Guard
by KMcC

Very nice!
Photographer found comment helpful.
At First...
01/15/2014 10:40:09 AM
At First...
by Awediot

I really thought this would score better, as it was one of my favorites. Nice first entry, keep it up!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Season of Death
12/31/2013 01:58:58 AM
Season of Death1st Place
by Cory

I hate you Cory, I really do. You suck man.
Photographer found comment helpful.
12/11/2013 04:31:31 PM
by schlake

Well done!
Photographer found comment helpful.
09/01/2013 11:45:18 PM
by Cory

Photographer found comment helpful.
Blue-eyed beauty
07/08/2011 12:23:19 AM
Blue-eyed beauty
by TJinGuy

Well I am greatly disappointed. I believe this shot is much better than a 5.5. With 19 votes below 5, why are there no comments to that effect? Thanks a lot. In the end I love the photo, so it makes no real difference, but it is still disappointing.

Message edited by author 2011-07-09 00:47:13.
02/08/2011 10:58:16 AM
by TJinGuy

Thanks for all the positive comments. I entered this because I thought it was interesting and was curious if anyone would see that it was in fact sharpened noise that gives it this look. I did not expect it to do well, but just felt it was something that would be appreciated by a few, and it seems that it was.
the dance of life
12/14/2010 04:35:48 PM
the dance of life
by liangdawei

Great colors and good use of DOF - 8
Photographer found comment helpful.
Pushing back the boundaries
12/14/2010 04:35:11 PM
Pushing back the boundaries1st Place
by keyz

I really like this one, good work! - 9
Photographer found comment helpful.
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Showing 1 - 10 of ~356

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