DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenge Details
An Exclusive Open Challenge using the Basic Editing rules.

Take a photo of something lucky or representative of something lucky.

Submission Dates:
  Dec 31 2008 - Jan 6 2009

Voting Dates:
  Jan 7 2009 - Jan 13 2009

Submissions: 87
Disqualifications: 3
Votes: 17,968
Comments: 567

Average Score: 4.92359
Highest Score: 6.7733
Median Score: 4.9652
Lowest Score: 3.3886

Results for Lucky:
Result Page:
Challenge Results for Lucky
Hell YEAHHHHH !!!!! ..... Show me the Money
by Ter

21st place with an
average vote of 5.3649

Views: 974 (354 during voting)
Votes: 211
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.375
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.363
Lucky To Have One GOOD Leg!
by molliefestus

22nd place with an
average vote of 5.3551

Views: 824 (365 during voting)
Votes: 214
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.359
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.354
Luck? or just knowing when to bluff?
by Connor

23rd place with an
average vote of 5.3476

Views: 895 (353 during voting)
Votes: 210
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.200
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.382
Ace of Spades
by pheonix676

24th place with an
average vote of 5.3476

Views: 1174 (336 during voting)
Votes: 210
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.125
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.400
Today's Find
by goinskiing

25th place with an
average vote of 5.2911

Views: 737 (335 during voting)
Votes: 213
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.122
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.331
cross your fingers!
by ButterflyGirl

26th place with an
average vote of 5.2850

Views: 863 (326 during voting)
Votes: 207
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.079
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.331
...to have someone to love
by calculus

27th place with an
average vote of 5.2710

Views: 930 (373 during voting)
Votes: 214
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.205
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.286
They're Magically Delicous
by bauerfan71

28th place with an
average vote of 5.2689

Views: 749 (347 during voting)
Votes: 212
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.951
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.345
Trying to Get Lucky
by karmat

29th place with an
average vote of 5.2453

Views: 924 (351 during voting)
Votes: 212
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.282
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.237
For want of a nail
by mileskea

30th place with an
average vote of 5.2196

Views: 703 (341 during voting)
Votes: 214
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.975
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.276
Result Page:

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