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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bread (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Location: Chicago, IL
Date: Feb 12, 2008
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/25
Galleries: Black and White, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Feb 12, 2008


Place: 87 out of 167
Avg (all users): 5.2762
Avg (commenters): 6.2500
Avg (participants): 5.1846
Avg (non-participants): 5.3103
Views since voting: 824
Views during voting: 394
Votes: 239
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0

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03/05/2008 08:54:42 AM
ah, I love the joke! I missed this first time round.
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02/23/2008 09:48:55 PM
This is one of those shots that makes you realize how odd we all must look to non-photographers - I can see you hunkered down in front of the oven, with props in place, and some relative standing nearby head-shaking: "WHAT...is he DOING?" :D Nice appropriately leavened levity for this challenge!
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02/20/2008 05:55:02 AM
I gave you a 6 - I adored this
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02/20/2008 05:07:59 AM
Too freakin' cute! I actually like this a lot. I like the rather stark and desolate nature of it. It has a "gravity of the situation" type thing going for it.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/19/2008 08:59:53 PM
Nicely creative take on the challange and the title works perfectly.
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02/19/2008 12:43:20 PM
Bun in the oven... heh. Thanks for the laugh! The only thing I think I would like to have seen different is maybe woody and bun a little closer. There's so many other things in the photo that it kind of distracts from the subject.
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02/18/2008 10:05:05 PM
I am expecting that woody will be on fire soon.
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02/16/2008 06:48:49 PM
Amusing. This is what happens when your woody gets you into trouble ;-).
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02/14/2008 09:24:57 PM
Really cute use of a Woody! No one light the oven up! Woody doesn't want to become "Tinder"! *wink* Very creative!
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02/14/2008 08:37:56 PM
Very cute little bun (or should I say pun!) in the oven!
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02/14/2008 08:22:00 PM
extremely clever :)
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02/14/2008 04:43:10 PM
This one took me a second, but once I read the title and it sunk in... pretty funny! Not too sure how universal the expression is, but I got it!
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02/14/2008 04:24:39 PM
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02/14/2008 02:57:16 AM
aah, a woody-bakery... ;-)
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02/13/2008 09:12:06 PM
Bun in the oven (rolls eyes). I knew this was coming. :D
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02/13/2008 06:28:00 PM
I get it!
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02/13/2008 12:48:41 PM
Lol - looks like a scene from 'invasion of the bodysnatchers' they all grew in pods.

A good idea, but perhaps a little lost with the various lines and light and dark areas.
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02/13/2008 08:59:47 AM
Cute pun.
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