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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Color portrait question for the ladies...
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09/15/2005 04:16:44 PM · #1
Are your portraits receiving high votes mostly women as well?

I didn't go through to see the split between male/female subject, but I have only a few non-female portraits at 8 or above. I was curious as to whether my Y chromosome makes me bias or whether women were voting this way as well...
09/15/2005 04:21:26 PM · #2
Not a lady, but I gave out 5 10's.... 3 of which were male. However I have a total of 13 in the 9-10 range, of which 10 are female.

What all this means.... probably nothing at all!

I just like to post! :0
09/15/2005 04:22:48 PM · #3
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Are your portraits receiving high votes mostly women as well?

I didn't go through to see the split between male/female subject, but I have only a few non-female portraits at 8 or above. I was curious as to whether my Y chromosome makes me bias or whether women were voting this way as well...

I voted the entire challenge and up until almost the end of it, my only 10 was a male portratit. I am not homosexual and my Y cromozome is fine. But this is photography contest not a beauty contest.
09/15/2005 04:25:43 PM · #4
I'm a lady and I have a total of 17 images in the 8-10 range. 3 male, 1 dog and the rest female. If I remeber correctly there were way more women photographs in the challenge, so probably you will have more high votes of women. Although I could be wrong
09/15/2005 04:27:16 PM · #5
I have 16 male shots at 7 or above, not counting children and animals :-)

But then I'd also guess that the percentage of female shots entered is quite higher then male. So it probably doesn't mean too much.
09/15/2005 04:56:27 PM · #6
I went through and gave all the guy photos really low scores. Now I'm rating all the women pics on a 1 to 10 scale based on 'hotness' of the female subject.

You may think it's unfair, but I just don't want to have to look at photos of some dude for several days.

09/15/2005 04:59:46 PM · #7
Originally posted by micknewton:

I went through and gave all the guy photos really low scores. Now I'm rating all the women pics on a 1 to 10 scale based on 'hotness' of the female subject.

You may think it's unfair, but I just don't want to have to look at photos of some dude for several days.

Your attitude is disgraceful. You should be ashamed of your puerile behaviour.

I hope the powers that be will disqualify ALL your votes to keep this site civilised and protected from the distortions that behaviour like yours causes.

Message edited by author 2005-09-15 17:11:12.
09/15/2005 05:04:49 PM · #8
i dont vote on beauty, its the persons character i vote on. if you can understand what i mean :|
09/15/2005 05:16:01 PM · #9
I have voted on all the images and in the top 8-10 I counted 9 males and 8 females and 1 non human image...LOL!! So I think I am about even. I didn't always go for beauty...I went for appeal....if an image touched me for whatever reason, then it scored highly for me.
09/15/2005 05:22:54 PM · #10
Well, I didn't always go for beauty either. But I wondered if in general the female face is more appealing on a genetic basis to males. It's the scientist in me...

My breakdown in portraits 8-10 is:

20 images
13 females
3 males
2 babies
2 animals

09/15/2005 05:28:33 PM · #11
Originally posted by bicray:

Your attitude is disgraceful.

I'm pretty sure he's just joking.

Message edited by author 2005-09-15 17:36:29.
09/15/2005 05:30:28 PM · #12
Breakdown of 8 - 10's
Men 5
Women 6
Babies 3
Other 1
09/15/2005 05:37:24 PM · #13
Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by bicray:

Your attitude is disgraceful.

I pretty sure he's just joking.

Well, I wasn't amused. There are so many deviant voters on this site who hide behind 'humour' and are defended by senior participants that the practice goes on without the condemnation it deserves.

There... I feel better now!
09/15/2005 05:45:50 PM · #14
Not to vary too much from the topic but I tried to vote on the ability of the photog to capture the subject, and not the subject itself. Major bonus points to the pictures that gave you a look into the soul of the subject. However, my one bias was pictures of non-pet animals, because they are not posed(in the sense of a portrait). In my opinion a portrait is a posed photo of a living breathing subject. Let me know if you think that opinion is out of line, I try to vote in what I think is the spirit of the challenge!
09/15/2005 06:02:09 PM · #15
8 or above 32
Females - 26
Males - 4
Other - 2

9 or above - 9
Females - 8
Male - 1
Other - 0
09/15/2005 06:06:23 PM · #16
As I was voting I was wondering if some bias was creeping in. I noticed that a portrait of a young, but not too young, lady with a smile invariably favorably impressed me. I tried to maintain objectivity - but any picture that gives me good vibes is usually a leg up for me.

When I look at ones rated 8 or better, there is only one female - so hopefully I was successful in being a good voter. Unless I overcompensated...

Message edited by author 2005-09-15 18:07:01.
09/15/2005 06:10:57 PM · #17
or you are repressing something...
09/15/2005 06:17:16 PM · #18
Any guy saying a female portrait doesnt affect him.. well simply - he isnt a guy... (we suck)

For this chellange... i was struggeling to put my guy thoughts away and be objective...

take your time at voting.. somebody put out a lot of thought and will to make it..

it is highly important not to think as a guy in this chellange...

Message edited by author 2005-09-15 18:18:08.
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