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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> TPL-2 Sign up thread
Showing posts 101 - 125 of 189, (reverse)
08/01/2013 04:53:33 PM · #101
I'd like to play. Please add me to the list, thanks.
08/01/2013 11:33:32 PM · #102
Ok, here is the list of individuals that have signed up and are confirmed for TPL-2. Please verify that I have included your name in the list and if I have missed anyone please PM me with a gentle reminder. To this point we have a total of 75 users signed up, I think that is 11 or so more than last season :) but I could be wrong because I'm just guessing lol!

If you are still interested in joining please sign up ASAP so that I can update the records. If you were a member of a team from last season and don't see your past teammates signed up, send them a PM to remind them!!

Good Luck and have fun!!


Message edited by author 2013-08-02 21:16:15.
08/02/2013 03:20:02 AM · #103
My arm is being twisted... sign me up thanks.
08/02/2013 03:44:33 AM · #104
well, i guess i just can't resist the torture.
sign me up if there are still spots available.
08/02/2013 03:55:55 AM · #105
Originally posted by Damon:

Ok, here is the list of individuals that have signed up and are confirmed for TPL-2. Please verify that I have included your name in the list and if I have missed anyone please PM me with a gentle reminder.

By the way, everyone, I'd like to introduce our new Membership Manager for the TPL - Damon. You may already know him for his prodigious photography skills, or for his team's stellar performance in Season 1 of the TPL, or perhaps just for that epic avatar of his... Now he's taking an even more active role, and will be the primary point of contact for membership requests, and the POC for teammate changes.

Join me in thanking him for his hard work - he's making sense of a mess of signups of several different ages, and taking care of some of the real work that is needed to make this whole thing go round.

08/02/2013 04:24:28 AM · #106
Originally posted by Nadine_Vb:

And something on the end date as well if possible.
I presume that the end date will not be somewhere in January...
At least, I hope. Because as from mid-January I'll be imobile for several months.
Once mid-February I'll be able to shoot indoor at home, but I will be unable to leave the house untill at least end of March/mid-April.

Noticed the absence of my name in the list. Would it also be possible to check my request before adding it?
(quoted here above)

Would be a shame that I start playing and being unable to complete it at the end if some challenges would require outdoor shooting.

And good luck to Damon :)

Message edited by author 2013-08-02 04:27:09.
08/02/2013 04:25:17 AM · #107
Yay for Damon.

Don't let the massive outpouring of thanks go to your head.
08/02/2013 04:27:42 AM · #108
Originally posted by Nadine_Vb:

Originally posted by Nadine_Vb:

And something on the end date as well if possible.
I presume that the end date will not be somewhere in January...
At least, I hope. Because as from mid-January I'll be imobile for several months.
Once mid-February I'll be able to shoot indoor at home, but I will be unable to leave the house untill at least end of March/mid-April.

Noticed the absence of my name in the list. Would it also be possible to check my request?
(quoted here above)

And good luck to Damon :)

I think we can allow for a substitute player during those weeks if needed. Do you have a second who will act as your wingman?

Note to all: If you are medically unable to compete, we will allow the substitution without penalty, especially if pre-planned in this manner. If you need to simply quit for whatever reason, that is OK too, but this is a once-per-season action for each team, and we will charge one week's bonus if the reason is not pre-planned, or otherwise sufficiently compelling. :)

But for goodness sake - don't let this keep you out of the game, just find someone who wants to get their feet wet for a couple of weeks worth of play, but doesn't want to commit to a whole season.

Message edited by author 2013-08-02 04:32:00.
08/02/2013 04:42:53 AM · #109
Not really unfortunately :(.
But note that it will not only be a few weeks but more like a few months. (4 weeks from mid January to mid February both feet will be in a cast - from mid February on until end March/mid April walking will be limited, so indoor should be ok but outdoor not allowed

I would love to play, but I must be realistic and I think it's better to await the next round in order not to penalize my team.
08/02/2013 05:37:50 AM · #110
Thanks Damon!
08/02/2013 05:46:10 AM · #111
Originally posted by Nadine_Vb:

Not really unfortunately :(.
But note that it will not only be a few weeks but more like a few months. (4 weeks from mid January to mid February both feet will be in a cast - from mid February on until end March/mid April walking will be limited, so indoor should be ok but outdoor not allowed

I would love to play, but I must be realistic and I think it's better to await the next round in order not to penalize my team.

I don't know exactly when the new TPL starts, but my guess is it will be finished before the end of the year. There will be about six weeks of competition against other teams and a final round between the winners of both leagues. That's 3 months max. So no problem playing this round of TPL :-)
08/02/2013 05:53:06 AM · #112
Originally posted by Kroburg:

Originally posted by Nadine_Vb:

Not really unfortunately :(.
But note that it will not only be a few weeks but more like a few months. (4 weeks from mid January to mid February both feet will be in a cast - from mid February on until end March/mid April walking will be limited, so indoor should be ok but outdoor not allowed

I would love to play, but I must be realistic and I think it's better to await the next round in order not to penalize my team.

I don't know exactly when the new TPL starts, but my guess is it will be finished before the end of the year. There will be about six weeks of competition against other teams and a final round between the winners of both leagues. That's 3 months max. So no problem playing this round of TPL :-)

I thought so too that it was something of 6 to 7 weeks of competition. If it ends before the end of the year than I'm in, of course.
So, impatiently awaiting the start and end date planning.

PS Kroburg super omgeving waar jullie wonen :)

Message edited by author 2013-08-02 05:54:33.
08/02/2013 06:33:40 AM · #113
Originally posted by Nadine_Vb:

Not really unfortunately :(.
But note that it will not only be a few weeks but more like a few months. (4 weeks from mid January to mid February both feet will be in a cast - from mid February on until end March/mid April walking will be limited, so indoor should be ok but outdoor not allowed

I would love to play, but I must be realistic and I think it's better to await the next round in order not to penalize my team.

I was disabled partway through the last season. Totally unplanned; I tripped and broke my ankle in 3 places, had surgery to install hardware, yada yada. And despite not being able to put weight on the ankle for the remainder of TPL, I still managed to get at least one entry in per week. You just have to be really creative and/or hope for lots of broad topics. Trust me, it can be done! And it's not a bad distraction from lying around and thinking about all the things you can't do because you can't walk ;-)
08/02/2013 06:39:30 AM · #114
deleted, nevermind

Message edited by author 2013-08-02 06:39:54.
08/02/2013 06:55:59 AM · #115
I,m going to be brilliant this time.
08/02/2013 08:56:58 AM · #116
Damon I sent you a PM because I didn't see my name on the list but it could very well be there. A long straight list like that really sends my dyslexia into overdrive.
If anyone else could just take a quick look for me and see if nygold is on the list I would appreciate it.
08/02/2013 09:01:33 AM · #117
PM sent
08/02/2013 09:10:49 AM · #118
PM sent -- I was missing, as well.
08/02/2013 09:13:51 AM · #119
Originally posted by nygold:

Damon I sent you a PM because I didn't see my name on the list but it could very well be there. A long straight list like that really sends my dyslexia into overdrive.
If anyone else could just take a quick look for me and see if nygold is on the list I would appreciate it.

Yep, didn't see your name on the list.
08/02/2013 09:14:44 AM · #120
Originally posted by Cuttooth:

Originally posted by nygold:

Damon I sent you a PM because I didn't see my name on the list but it could very well be there. A long straight list like that really sends my dyslexia into overdrive.
If anyone else could just take a quick look for me and see if nygold is on the list I would appreciate it.

Yep, didn't see your name on the list.

Thank you.
08/02/2013 10:19:30 AM · #121
PM sent
08/02/2013 10:20:54 AM · #122
PM sent
08/02/2013 10:44:35 AM · #123
Originally posted by MaryO:

Originally posted by Nadine_Vb:

Not really unfortunately :(.
But note that it will not only be a few weeks but more like a few months. (4 weeks from mid January to mid February both feet will be in a cast - from mid February on until end March/mid April walking will be limited, so indoor should be ok but outdoor not allowed

I would love to play, but I must be realistic and I think it's better to await the next round in order not to penalize my team.

I was disabled partway through the last season. Totally unplanned; I tripped and broke my ankle in 3 places, had surgery to install hardware, yada yada. And despite not being able to put weight on the ankle for the remainder of TPL, I still managed to get at least one entry in per week. You just have to be really creative and/or hope for lots of broad topics. Trust me, it can be done! And it's not a bad distraction from lying around and thinking about all the things you can't do because you can't walk ;-)

I know and the idea of lying there while all those fun challenges are passing by agonises me even more than the fact that there will be metal sticking out of my both feet.
Let's just cross our fingers that indeed the challenges will be broad enough to allow me to enter.
LOL, I see myself crossing around town in a wheelchair, both feet in the air, camera bag on my lap and getting stuck in some muddy field in rain or snow. Within no time I'll be "that creepy crazy woman" ;)
Ah well, I'll find alternatives for those challenges, just like I already found them before ;)
And with a little help from my team mates this should be possible.

Thank you MaryO :) this was the last little push I needed :)

Damon please check your inbox for a PM among those other PM's
08/02/2013 11:02:18 AM · #124
Yay! :) Good to see you've decided to play Nadine!!

Don't discount macro stuff. Buy a cheap flash now if you don't have one, and some interesting small items.

Setup a macro table now while you can still walk around, and that way you've got something to shoot the shit out of right there in the house.

My recent entry in red was nothing more than a green pot holder shot with a flash behind it.

I'm sure you'll find plenty of ways to play, especially if you set up now. Hell, who knows, maybe you could even suggest the right challenge, and enter a creepy picture of feet with metal bits sticking out - could play well. :)
08/02/2013 11:19:46 AM · #125
Shooting table and flashes are part of my equipment since years.
Hunt for items: start as of now :)
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