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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Up up and away! Superpower scores here!
Showing posts 26 - 34 of 34, (reverse)
12/04/2008 08:11:24 AM · #26
Votes: 100
Views: 230
Avg Vote: 5.8300
Comments: 4

100 votes check point!
12/04/2008 08:17:51 AM · #27
Originally posted by MAK:

Originally posted by Judi:

I really wish people would read the Challenge About and the link provided by Langdon before they go voting. Too many are jumping to conclusions and getting the character wrong...unfortunately I feel they are voting with the same prejudgment. Such a pity...!

Don't be silly Judy.. everyone knows voters can't read... *runs away*

....or spell!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......!
12/04/2008 10:01:16 AM · #28
I didn't enter this challenge but went through the images to vote and been laughing to tears! There's a LOT of very funny stuff there showing absolutely no lack of creativity. LOL! Way to go folks!

My entry got botched when my wife came home and caught me standing in front of the mirror with dark sun glasses and a mean looking expression trying to look like Terminator - of course with the tripod, remote switch, make-shift reflector and all the gear. My chicken legs didn't quite match the image apparently.
12/04/2008 06:59:58 PM · #29
Originally posted by TrollMan:

I didn't enter this challenge but went through the images to vote and been laughing to tears! There's a LOT of very funny stuff there showing absolutely no lack of creativity. LOL! Way to go folks!

My entry got botched when my wife came home and caught me standing in front of the mirror with dark sun glasses and a mean looking expression trying to look like Terminator - of course with the tripod, remote switch, make-shift reflector and all the gear. My chicken legs didn't quite match the image apparently.

LOL....has your wife recovered from dying laughing yet?!!!! ;-)
12/05/2008 09:46:41 PM · #30
Oh yeah great...not only have people not bothered reading Langdons link for the characters for this challenge...and therefore are commenting and voting with negative votes because of their ignorance...but now I have been called up for validation. Yeah....I should be flattered...but not when the votes indicate that I have done wrong in this challenge. Not only is my editing legal...but I followed the character to a 'T'.

People...if you don't know what you are voting on...then don't vote...simple!
12/05/2008 10:37:42 PM · #31
Originally posted by Judi:

People...if you don't know what you are voting on...then don't vote...simple!

Most likely the people you are addressing don't even read the forums. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it!
12/05/2008 10:42:53 PM · #32
I'm a little bit shocked that the image I worked several days to perfect is scoring this:

Votes: 127
Views: 290
Avg Vote: 5.2835

But, I've been disappointed before and survived quite nicely. *grin*
12/06/2008 05:48:58 AM · #33
Originally posted by yospiff:

Originally posted by Judi:

People...if you don't know what you are voting on...then don't vote...simple!

Most likely the people you are addressing don't even read the forums. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it!

Kinda like some of our feelings toward voting and elections in general. If you don't know about or understand the issues, please stay home.


Votes: 139
Views: 305
Avg Vote: 5.6547
Comments: 4

I had hopes it would stay afloat above 5.7, but alas.

I like it, and it was fun to do.

Message edited by author 2008-12-06 13:56:00.
12/06/2008 06:08:41 PM · #34
Originally posted by Judi:

Oh yeah great...not only have people not bothered reading Langdons link for the characters for this challenge...and therefore are commenting and voting with negative votes because of their ignorance...but now I have been called up for validation. Yeah....I should be flattered...but not when the votes indicate that I have done wrong in this challenge. Not only is my editing legal...but I followed the character to a 'T'.

People...if you don't know what you are voting on...then don't vote...simple!

I can't wait to see which one is yours...
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