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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> what not to say to a photographer
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05/31/2006 06:00:19 PM · #201
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Right after I took this picture, this guy whipped out his weenie...shook it at me and growled "take a f***in picture of the this motherf***er"

I did think that that was a very nice thing to say to a photographer.

Are you *serious*!?!?! Wahaahahahaha.
05/31/2006 06:09:14 PM · #202
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Right after I took this picture, this guy whipped out his weenie...shook it at me and growled "take a f***in picture of the this motherf***er"

I did think that that was a very nice thing to say to a photographer.

That's just tooooooo f***in' funny ... :-D
05/31/2006 06:15:35 PM · #203
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Right after I took this picture, this guy whipped out his weenie...shook it at me and growled "take a f***in picture of the this motherf***er" I did think that that was a very nice thing to say to a photographer.

I'm thinking that it's better than him using it on you or peeing on your leg. lol
05/31/2006 06:28:49 PM · #204
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Right after I took this picture, this guy whipped out his weenie...shook it at me and growled "take a f***in picture of the this motherf***er"

05/31/2006 06:32:24 PM · #205
Really...true story and he had an extremely thick, Al Pacino "Scarface" like accent. Quite menacing.
05/31/2006 06:41:24 PM · #206
So did you shoot his weenie? LMAO!
05/31/2006 07:08:59 PM · #207
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Right after I took this picture, this guy whipped out his weenie...shook it at me and growled "take a f***in picture of the this motherf***er"

I did think that that was a very nice thing to say to a photographer.

I took a shot of a lady collecting cans. She took a bag with garbage on the street and threw it at me. It didn't even come close. Shot was not good anyway.

05/31/2006 07:10:37 PM · #208
Originally posted by doctornick:

So did you shoot his weenie? LMAO!

Do NOT tempt him to post outtakes! :-P
05/31/2006 07:57:44 PM · #209
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Right after I took this picture, this guy whipped out his weenie...shook it at me and growled "take a f***in picture of the this motherf***er"

I did think that that was a very nice thing to say to a photographer.

Quite the diplomat, eh?
05/31/2006 08:47:53 PM · #210
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Right after I took this picture, this guy whipped out his weenie...shook it at me and growled "take a f***in picture of the this motherf***er"

I did think that that was a very nice thing to say to a photographer.

Did you take the picture anyway ?


Hey, it could be worse. He could ask money, and if you didn't give to him, he could call his lawyer from his cell. LOL
05/31/2006 09:19:31 PM · #211
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Right after I took this picture, this guy whipped out his weenie...shook it at me and growled "take a f***in picture of the this motherf***er"

I did think that that was a very nice thing to say to a photographer.

to which I think I would have replied...sorry but I don't have my macro lens with me.
05/31/2006 09:40:18 PM · #212
Originally posted by sabphoto:

Originally posted by pawdrix:

Right after I took this picture, this guy whipped out his weenie...shook it at me and growled "take a f***in picture of the this motherf***er"

I did think that that was a very nice thing to say to a photographer.

to which I think I would have replied...sorry but I don't have my macro lens with me.

But Steve doesn't go ANYWHERE without his fisheye... lol
05/31/2006 09:42:00 PM · #213
Reminds me of Bonanza where he says, "Ex-cuuuuuse me while I whip this out..."
05/31/2006 09:42:53 PM · #214
Blazing Saddles
05/31/2006 10:05:39 PM · #215
Originally posted by thegrandwazoo:

Blazing Saddles


ETA: All Let me introduce to you my other brother, Erick. ;)

Message edited by author 2006-05-31 22:06:28.
05/31/2006 11:46:40 PM · #216
BTW I meant to write "didn't" but you all got the picture...litterally.

"I did think that that was a very nice thing to say to a photographer."
06/01/2006 12:32:11 AM · #217
"What? You have to look through that little hole to take the picture? See, I just use this big screen."
06/01/2006 12:37:53 AM · #218
Originally posted by dunnewold:

"What? You have to look through that little hole to take the picture? See, I just use this big screen."

hehe, yes I've heard of this one too!
11/30/2006 11:42:22 AM · #219
I had a guy giving me a hard time last week at a xmas parade, I was using a mono pod, He asked me why I was using the monopod. I explained to him because it was dark out I needed a steady hand. Then he asked me why I was using the view finder. He then pulled what looked like a Fujifilm FinePix 3800 and proceeded to show my how easy it was to hold his hand up over his head and take a picture using the monitor. lol I told him my cheap ass camera doesnt do that groovy point and shoot stuff.
11/30/2006 12:09:07 PM · #220
shooting some portraits with an 85mm lens on my camera. A friend wanted to take a couple as well. They fired off a few then started twisting the lens. Looked confused. Looked at me, back at the camera. Said 'where's the zoom ?'

I just pointed to my feet. They handed the camera back and looked kinda disappointed.
11/30/2006 12:36:43 PM · #221
Sure cameras look impressive and people ask dumb questions. I'm a carpenter, or one of my alter-egos is. There's absolutely no mileage in getting precious about work I do. My professional pride is mine. I never lend tools (ok maybe to a fellow carpenter etc) because anyone who knows how to use them has their own and I need to know how they are and where they are at any given time. The importance of what passers-by have to say about the work? Go figure.

On the other hand, though, I think I've experienced the odd occasion where my wearing a camera has made people think I - er - know something.
Shortly after taking this picture of a door in Florence I was walking past another - all of 3 or 4 meters high and 6 inches thick without any small doorway to make it easier to get in and out - when a normal-sized woman opens the huge door and comes out to take her dog for a walk. I sling out a remark about how that looks like heavy work, in my utterly piss-poor Italian, and she starts talking to me so that I have to cross the road to get a better idea what she's saying. She takes me in the great big door and explains how this building and all the buildings around the block were the home of Macchiavelli and she shows me his coat of arms on the wall and the insignia of Brunelleschi the architect, as weell as affording me an opportunity to see how this massive portal opens and closes just as easily as my own front door - and fits better too. I guess I'll never make the paparazzi, because I didn't want to inconvenience her any more by fitting flash guns and snapping around the entrance hall. Obviously she was bursting with pride about the history of her little (ok, beautiful, huge, renaissance) appartment building and just enjoyed talking about it. Point being, take the rough with the smooth, it cuts both ways.

Also, remember the stupid think they are going to inherit the earth, only because they are too dumb to see they already did.

11/30/2006 01:14:04 PM · #222
What NEVER to say to a a photographer:

"That's a fantastic picture, darling, you should enter it at DPC"
11/30/2006 01:15:14 PM · #223
Additionally, I once actually heard someone walking past as I set up the camera on a tripod "Don't he know it's 2006?"

Message edited by author 2006-11-30 13:15:33.
11/30/2006 01:27:02 PM · #224
Originally posted by AJAger:

Additionally, I once actually heard someone walking past as I set up the camera on a tripod "Don't he know it's 2006?"

I used to get that, or something similar, all the time when I was working in public with my large format view camera; "They DO make smaller cameras now, you know?"

11/30/2006 01:30:43 PM · #225
This from my mother, no less:
"In my day, we couldn't fix our photos with that fancy software you have. (fancy, ha! I've got 3.0 Elements!) We actually had to take our photos right the first time."
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