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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> DPChatRoom back-to-back interviews
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03/10/2012 05:38:09 PM · #1
grigrigirl (julia)

Wed. March 14th
7pm West Coast
10pm East Coast (US)


hanneke (Hanneke)

Saturday, March 17th
12 pm West Coast
3 pm East Coast (US)

(Hours might change after the daylight saving starts)

DPChatRoom's last two interviews before all transcripts locked up into a vault.

(DPChatRoom will stay open, only interviews are ending)
03/10/2012 06:00:18 PM · #2
I'm looking forward to it very much :D
Hope to see some old friends!
03/11/2012 06:13:28 PM · #3
03/11/2012 07:23:21 PM · #4
wow, you hooked a couple of good ones.
03/11/2012 11:14:10 PM · #5
Originally posted by hanneke:

I'm looking forward to it very much :D
Hope to see some old friends!


03/12/2012 01:09:12 AM · #6
i need to tag the date..
03/12/2012 01:35:15 PM · #7
03/12/2012 01:42:38 PM · #8
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

DPChatRoom's last two interviews before all transcripts locked up into a vault.

(DPChatRoom will stay open, only interviews are ending)

Can you elaborate on these points?
03/12/2012 05:14:48 PM · #9
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Originally posted by FocusPoint:

DPChatRoom's last two interviews before all transcripts locked up into a vault.

(DPChatRoom will stay open, only interviews are ending)

Can you elaborate on these points?

Yes, what does "locked up into a vault" mean?
03/12/2012 05:19:24 PM · #10

There won't be any other interviews, so if you want to read old ones, you can apply to front desk to get keys and open up the vault to do so... No cameras allowed, and you have to read them before the "Interview Bank" closes daily (from 9am to 5 pm Arizona time)

that's what it means :)
03/12/2012 05:24:19 PM · #11
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

There won't be any other interviews, so if you want to read old ones, you can apply to front desk to get keys and open up the vault to do so... No cameras allowed, and you have to read them before the "Interview Bank" closes daily (from 9am to 5 pm Arizona time)

that's what it means :)

That's a damn shame. The interviews are great for any number of reasons. Why stop?
03/12/2012 05:36:21 PM · #12
Originally posted by Spork99:

Originally posted by FocusPoint:

There won't be any other interviews, so if you want to read old ones, you can apply to front desk to get keys and open up the vault to do so... No cameras allowed, and you have to read them before the "Interview Bank" closes daily (from 9am to 5 pm Arizona time)

that's what it means :)

That's a damn shame. The interviews are great for any number of reasons. Why stop?

Please see my post on the DPChat thread.

My post
03/12/2012 05:57:31 PM · #13
Originally posted by Spork99:

...Why stop?

Didn't want, but there is very little to no interest. Three months heavy posting, bumping, trying... last interview there was 8 people including myself. It's just not fair for the guests honestly. They make time I make time...

Chat Interview idea was not to read their transcripts later on. I do understand not everyone can have time for a chat, that's why I tried different time and dates, thread responses and attendees dropped each one.

DPChatRoom will stay open. Transcripts will be there at least for a while (might be moved to DPC interviews vault). In the future, I may have round table discussions between few photographers (not necessarily DPCers) and other stuff that won't be related to DPC but can be used by DPCers.

It was fun, there are still few people showing up there, yapping, voting for the gallery images and polls... by the way, polls will be open still, gallery will be changed from DPC links to it's own database (way later on though, no time for that right now)

I will be posting something more official after this week's interviews.
03/12/2012 11:27:29 PM · #14
A pity really, thanks for all the effort.
I would have loved to come to more interviews and I'll try and make it for the coming one, but 3-4 am London time is a bit steep for me.
Thanks for puttign the transcripts on, it's a nice replacement for being there in (virtual) person.
I think something more integrated, link-wise , with DPC would attract more occasional visitors to the chat, but I understand is difficult to get to that point.
03/12/2012 11:31:41 PM · #15
I don't think it's a lack of interest, at least not on my part. Maybe a chat isn't the best format for these interviews, though I did appreciate their immediate nature... I know previous DPC interviews have been done via email with the results posted in the forums, which make for interesting reads though the spontaneity was lacking. There also was, at one time, DPC Podcast and interviews were conducted over phone/skype and posted for download on iTunes and the web. I liked those a lot, though it seemed they were a lot of work and some technical issues. I know I appreciated the podcast because I could listen to it as my schedule allowed and I got to hear the real voices and that adds a lot to it.
03/13/2012 10:01:50 AM · #16
I personally feel differently, in that I very much enjoyed the interactive nature of the thing.
The interview with Gyaban, which was run at a time which I could do, was quite entertaining and felt a bit like a bunch of DPC people sitting in the same room, which I liked.
Audio/mail interviews are cool, but a bit unidirectional. The fact of being able to pose your own questions is a big plus for me.
My wife is going to be really annoyed if I end up oversleeping and letting her take care of the kid's breakfast (she's the one having to go to work early in the morning) but I'll try to stay up for the next interview.

Message edited by author 2012-03-13 10:02:20.
03/13/2012 11:08:13 AM · #17
Originally posted by mcaldo:

I personally feel differently, in that I very much enjoyed the interactive nature of the thing.
The interview with Gyaban, which was run at a time which I could do, was quite entertaining and felt a bit like a bunch of DPC people sitting in the same room, which I liked.
Audio/mail interviews are cool, but a bit unidirectional. The fact of being able to pose your own questions is a big plus for me.
My wife is going to be really annoyed if I end up oversleeping and letting her take care of the kid's breakfast (she's the one having to go to work early in the morning) but I'll try to stay up for the next interview.

I could be mistaken, but I believe that for the podcast and maybe the email interviews too, the interviewee was announced ahead of time and the DPC membership submitted questions. Neither allowed for spontaneous audience questions, which is a negative, but given the choice between no interviews and interviews without immediate audience participation, I'll take the latter.

Message edited by author 2012-03-13 13:52:45.
03/13/2012 12:21:12 PM · #18
the second phase of the interview is spontaneous with people asking whatever questions they want.
03/13/2012 01:21:04 PM · #19
Originally posted by posthumous:

the second phase of the interview is spontaneous with people asking whatever questions they want.

exactly. and that's what would be missing from an email or recorded interview.
03/13/2012 01:48:59 PM · #20
Originally posted by Spork99:

but given the choice between no interviews and interviews without immediate audience participation, I'll take the former.

Well, that for sure :)
03/13/2012 01:51:51 PM · #21
Personally, my opinion is that the interviews ARE a valuable endeavor and that the measure of success for those interviews should not necessarily be the 'in-chat' attendance.
03/13/2012 01:54:15 PM · #22
Originally posted by Spork99:

Personally, my opinion is that the interviews ARE a valuable endeavor and that the measure of success for those interviews should not necessarily be the 'in-chat' attendance.

but you just said you would choose no interviews.
03/13/2012 01:54:16 PM · #23
Originally posted by mcaldo:

Originally posted by Spork99:

but given the choice between no interviews and interviews without immediate audience participation, I'll take the former.

Well, that for sure :)

I meant to say "the latter" meaning that I'd rather have interviews that lack spontaneous audience participation than no interviews at all.
03/13/2012 01:55:38 PM · #24
Originally posted by posthumous:

Originally posted by Spork99:

Personally, my opinion is that the interviews ARE a valuable endeavor and that the measure of success for those interviews should not necessarily be the 'in-chat' attendance.

but you just said you would choose no interviews.

I got "former" and "latter" mixed up or something. Or I was typing faster than I was thinking or vice versa.
03/13/2012 02:26:44 PM · #25
Originally posted by Spork99:

Originally posted by posthumous:

Originally posted by Spork99:

Personally, my opinion is that the interviews ARE a valuable endeavor and that the measure of success for those interviews should not necessarily be the 'in-chat' attendance.

but you just said you would choose no interviews.

I got "former" and "latter" mixed up or something. Or I was typing faster than I was thinking or vice versa.

I think it was the former. ;)
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